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WW2 Scenario?

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  • #31
    and Mr Rommel, of course!
    BTW, are you going to improve paratroopers?
    Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
    Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
    Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team


    • #32
      All units values will be redone from scratch.


      • #33
        ooh!!!!!! can't wait

        too bad your starting in 1941, now the Dutch won't be able to stop the german aggresion (they actually had planes to give the luftwaffe a fight, but they had grass airfields, and in the Netherlands it always rains..)


        • #34
          Quite large then?
          I had a vision of the Civ2 WW2 'European' scenario. I loved that. The AI was laughable though!
          I played as the Axis and invaded Russia (conquering them) without Allies managing to get a foothold on the continent! Too busy creating farmland and ships I suppose!

          How about the Bismarck and Tirpitz as special Axis battleships, having a greater attack value than normal, but you cannot rebuild them once they are lost? Same goes with HMS Hood?
          The Japanese had the largest, most powerful Battleship didn't they? That could have the best A/D values? It put the British, German and American efforts to shame at the start of the war..
          I love PEPSI! (twitching and shivering profusely)


          • #35
            WW2 battleships were mighty colosses, and they ruled the waves. A wulfpack of submarines could destroy them, though...
            Erm, actually battleships were mainly used for shore bombardments. There were a few surface engagements involving BBs, such as Surigao Strait and some of the battles around Guadalcanal, as well as a couple clashes in the North Atlantic, but mainly they ended up getting sunk with air power.

            Carriers had not much defense at the time.
            (no missiles, no big-guns.)
            Except for planes, of course, and escorts

            And WW2 cruisers even happened to get SUNK by coastal batteries.
            Only one I'm aware of was the Blucher, sunk by a Norwegian fortress at (IIRC) Bergen.
            Follow me on Twitter:
            Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


            • #36
              Well the German battlecruiser Blücher was exactly the one I thought about too. It was sunk outside Oslo, the false capital of Norway.

              Not outside the magnificent town of Bergen.
              (where I happen to sit right now)

              The batteries at Kvarven, Bergen did not open fire at a similar ship that came by, Königsberg.
              It was due to a threat of city-razing by the nazis.
              Today the town remains unrazed and glorious,
              because we did not take out these badguys.

              We could have taken them out, though.
              At least, thats what my grandfather told me.
              Last edited by ThePlagueRat; November 28, 2002, 13:59.
              My words are backed with hard coconuts.


              • #37
                No need to worry plague rat. I guess the allies did the work for you norwegians latter on .
                But let´s be fair: even though the nazys were evil bastards ( they executed one or two of my heroes, plus all those poor innocent people...) their panzers were stillous...
                But, anyway, the brazilian could have wipped them out .
                Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
                Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
                Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team


                • #38
                  Trip, I´m working on some air units, nothing big, just changing the simbol of the bomber, from a little star to the target of the allies and that german cross wich I just can´t remember the name.
                  Are you interested?
                  Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
                  Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
                  Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team


                  • #39
                    Erm, actually battleships were mainly used for shore bombardments. There were a few surface engagements involving BBs, such as Surigao Strait and some of the battles around Guadalcanal, as well as a couple clashes in the North Atlantic, but mainly they ended up getting sunk with air power.
                    It'll still give a sense of theme to the scenario..Theres nothing quite like the 1 v 1 type situation with the Bismarck and the Hood!
                    I love PEPSI! (twitching and shivering profusely)


                    • #40
                      Oh yes, airpower sinking capabilities should be turned on!
                      Even for a large amount of smaller planes... remember kamikaze.

                      There are four main air-categories:

                      Tac. bombers were used mainly against naval and land units.
                      Rockets optional? (under research)
                      My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                      • #41
                        Any idea how long this scenario will take you Trip? If its the whole world map, will it take some time? If you need a beta tester, i've got some spare time on my hands!

                        I was thinking about embarking upon a European scenario with a part of north america included, like the Civ2 ww2 scenario. Airports won't have the airlift function(or have limited range) since it can easily be exploited by lifting US armies over the Atlantic, completely bypassing the threat of the U-boats. Rebasing aircraft would have to changed from its unlimited range too.
                        I'll go for a more realistic sized version of Europe too, to reflect the difficulties for the Axis, to conquer the Soviet Union. I will have North America in there, though for game-play reasons, maybe about 4 very advanced cities but with a minimal number of units.
                        The size of the Atlantic will obviously be alot smaller, but large enough to represent a MAJOR threat to Allied armies attempting to cross. Later in the scenario the Allies could be able build a smaller wonder(with the discovery of sonar) that increases Allied ship defence by 50% against submarine attack, about 80% of the time.

                        Anyone know of a more realistic european map to use? I suppose, i'm in the planning phase since i'm still waiting for PTW to come through the post!
                        I love PEPSI! (twitching and shivering profusely)


                        • #42
                          Damn those distributors!
                          PTW never makes it to the stores before christmas.
                          When I get hold of it, I can surely beta-test this scenario!
                          My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                          • #43
                            Trip: In mine and pi8ch ww2 mod we were going to make the 4 eras into 4 different trees that you could choose to research as you liked.

                            Ground Combat
                            Naval Combat
                            Air Combat
                            Civilian Techs (or something, can't remember the name we choose)
                            Grey Fox
                            Emperor of Beasts

                            Download the WW2 MOD


                            • #44
                              BEta tester presenting!
                              Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
                              Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
                              Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team


                              • #45
                                Any help, as always, is appreciated.

                                Hopefully I can get some more work done on this.
                                It's taking a rather long while to do stuff, and I haven't really had much time to work on things lately do to finals. I ought to be able to get it finished over my 1 month winter break though.

