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What is monarchy in Civ3 ?

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  • What is monarchy in Civ3 ?

    What is monarchy in Civ3 ?

    Where is the difference between despotism and monarchy defined and how is it defined ?

    I’ve seen references in posts to monarchy as being constitutional monarchy like in the UK.

    How far back does Monarchy go. There were kings in the city states of ancient Mesopotamia. Was Hammurabi a king or a despot ? Should an Egyptian Pharoah be considered a king or a despot ?

    As for Britain being a model as a constitutional monarchy. The first kings of all England appear late in the Saxon / Anglo-Saxon / Anglo-Danish period. Were rulers like Alfred or Knut (Canute) kings or despots ? They were feudal monarchs who could only rule effectively if they had the support of their nobles. Is this what makes the difference between monarchy and despotism ?

    The kings and queens of England remain Feudal Monarchs, despite the creation of a parliament until the rule of Charles I.

    The English revolution brought down a king and brought in a republic. Some might consider the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell a despot. He was republican and his intention was to create a republic. Unfortunately none of the attempts quite worked.

    The ‘anarchy’ that followed his death, eleven governments in 18 months, was followed by the restoration. Charles II was welcomed back from exile. On his death 25 years later the crown passed to his brother James II.

    James was a Catholic ruling a country that was officially and primarily protestant and distrustful of catholiscism. As James’ daughter and heir was a protestant and married to a protestant prince he was acceptable. Then his queen relatively late in life gave birth to a boy who was christened a catholic.

    So in 1689 the English Parliament invited James’ son in law William Prince of Orange to invade and claim the throne. James was defeated and fled into exile. William and Mary became King and Queen but only by agreeing that Parliament would rule while they reigned. William and Mary were more the heirs of Oliver Cromwell and the Republic than they were of the Stuart dynasty and monarchy.

    So, what I’m saying is:

    Despotism = any absolute ruler, whether an Egyptian Pharoah, a Chinese Emperor or a Modern Dictator.
    Monarchy = Feudal Monarchy, any ruler who depended on a number of nobles who are independently quite powerful, for example a medieval European monarch or the Emperor of Japan. I’m not sure that monarchy in Civ3 accurately reflects this. Hurrying production probably shouldn’t be possible.
    Republic = Any constitutional form of government other than democracy, e.g. Republican Rome, Classical Athens, The Dutch republic in the Renaissance, Great Britain from 1689 to when it became a democracy (probably not until sometime during Queen Victoria’s reign).

    So Feudal Monarchy - like Civ3 Monarchy, but with some small adjustments - maybe no ability to hurry production or fewer 'free units' or ?

  • #2
    I think 'Monarchy' is defined by the feudal system you described. Where nobles hold a lot of control, while pledging allegiance to their king, who they supply with troops, etc.


    • #3
      slightly wrong forum
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      "The way I understand it the Russians are a combination of evil and incompetence- sort off like the Post Office with tanks..." M. Phillips THIRD REICH TEAM


      • #4
        Okay I've:

        Replaced Monarchy with Feudal Monarchy.

        This is made possible by Feudalism. Under this hurrying projects is not possible, you get the same number of free units as under communism (provided by subject nobles) but extra units care expensive (cost 2 points each).

        Have also re-used Monarchy civ advance to make absolute rule possible (replaces despotism). You need writing before you can research this.

        Also introduced as the default / start government 'protogovernment' which represents the very earliest stage of government development - clans, chiefs, priests, shamen. No hurrying projects and few free units.

