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Trying to celebrate to reduce corruption/waste & frustrated.
Trying to celebrate to reduce corruption/waste & frustrated.
I'm having trouble getting my civ to celebrate "We love the_ Day" . In my previous game I followed the manuel instructions: city size 6 or greater, no unhappy citizens, as many happy citizens as content. Several cities meet this criteria and still refuse to celebrate until the happy OUTNUMBER the content and this cause starvation in some cases creating too many entertainers. In my previuous game for example I could have a city size 6 and have: 2 happy, 2 content and 2 entertainers, they would celebrate, in my current game they won't. Is there additional creteria I meet in game 1 that I'm not in game two? Does nationality or traits affect celebrations? Maybe the 1.29 patch make the manuels intructions dated? Any help would be appreciated my corruption and waste are getting out of hand!
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