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Moving in other civs territory

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  • Moving in other civs territory

    Is it just me screwing up or can you not use the roads and railroads in other civs territory?

    And does the ai cheet. Where do they get all of these units when you take a city!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Moving in other civs territory

    Originally posted by caliskier
    Is it just me screwing up or can you not use the roads and railroads in other civs territory?
    It's exactly this way!
    Welcome to the wonderful world of Civ3!
    Edit: You have to sign a Right of Passage Agreement with another civ to use their roads and railroads.

    Originally posted by caliskier
    And does the ai cheet. Where do they get all of these units when you take a city!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    On the higher difficulty levels the AI gets some bonus units at the beginning of the game.


    • #3
      Is it just me screwing up or can you not use the roads and railroads in other civs territory?
      You need a right of passage, ROP, to use someone elses roads and railroads.

      And does the ai cheet.
      Very little. The only known cheets involve knowing things about the map. Such as knowing where there is a resource before they get the tech. They also seem to know what units are in a city.

      Where do they get all of these units when you take a city!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      They don't. They often rush units or draft before you take a city. On their turn. They can't possible get units from your taking a city.

      Unless you are thinking of their last city early in the game. Thats a civ respawning and you can turn that off if you have the latest patch if you find it annoying in the new game setup.


      • #4
        On the higher difficulty levels the AI gets some bonus units at the beginning of the game.

        That's a bunch of crap, what difficulty is that?

        I know that on the first difficulty level the AI is restricted in food and production. Which level is the most fair for the human as well as the ai?

        Are there any other ways in which the ai cheets?


        • #5
          Originally posted by caliskier
          That's a bunch of crap, what difficulty is that?
          Deity for sure. I think Emperor it have some units, but less then emperor.

          Originally posted by caliskier
          I know that on the first difficulty level the AI is restricted in food and production. Which level is the most fair for the human as well as the ai?
          Regent. All bonuses are drop from de AI as the human player.

          Originally posted by caliskier
          Are there any other ways in which the ai cheets?
          It's appear the AI know the number and locations of human player units even before espionage becomes avaiable.
          I'm sure there are others cheats, but I can't remember now.
          Have in mind: without this cheats the game will be very easy to win by the human player, so I think it should be this way.
          Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


          • #6
            Originally posted by caliskier

            That's a bunch of crap, what difficulty is that?
            Its not crap. Its a handicap. It supposed to make it harder you know. Thats why its called a higher level.

            I know that on the first difficulty level the AI is restricted in food and production. Which level is the most fair for the human as well as the ai?
            The AI pays twice as much for food and anything a city builds. I think it also has a research handicap but I don't know the details on that.

            Are there any other ways in which the ai cheets?
            Maybe but the ones I mentioned are the only ones that are likely real or confirmed by Firaxis. Definitly none in production or combat. They have to buy everything the same as the player except for the level handicaps which can include units and happiness adjustments.

            The most fair level depends on how good you get to be. The most even however is Regent.

            Level    Bonus/Handicap
            Chieftan  200%
            Warlord   120%
            Regent    100%
            Monarch    90%
            Emperor    80%
            Deity      60%
            Plus the AI gets unit bonuses at the start on levels above Regent. Quite a few extra units on Deity. They don't get all the units at once. They get free units for each city even in a Republic or a Democracy at the higher levels. You can get the details by using the Civ III Editor to look at the rules in the Earth.bic file.

            These are not cheats. They are handicaps. If you don't like them stick with Regent or even lower where you get the handicaps in your favor.

