I get this file after downloading the patch. How do I turn it into a .exe file ? The intruction from firaxis.com just tell me to double-click on the downloaded file. That does not work since Windows does not know what to do with the .cfm file. Thanks.
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Right click the file, select rename and delete the .cfm from the end of file name.
If there is a warning, just ignore it and you'll have the exe file.
I never see this file format before. And when I've downloaded the patch, it come with normal .exe extension.
Maybe you should consider download the pacth from another source.Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
It's really strange then that I get the .exe.cfm file while you get the .exe file. I downloaded the file from the Firaxis web site 3 times with the same result.
I was a little apprehensive about renaming the file as .exe and running it to apply the patch. Who knows what it will do to my system if the file is not intended to be an .exe file in the first place !!
If everybody else just gets an .exe file then I think I just cross my fingers and take the plunge.
BTW, other patches and Netscape 7.0 which I downloaded worked just fine, just the Civ3 patch is weird.
It might be your browser that is causeing that. There still people that have all the attached files on Apolyton show up as "attachment", which is not a very usefull name. They just need to rename the file.
Just remove the .cfm by renaming the file. As long as you get the file from someplace that checks for viruses the worst thing that will happen is your PC will crash when windows can't figure out what to do with the file and it most instances windows will simply say that its not an executable file if its some odd compression format none of us have ever heard of.
Most compressed files will be
after that it would get really wierd but most major sites and every game company I have ever seen uses zips for compression. The people using the stuff other than a Zip are hobbiests.
Originally posted by: Ethelred
The people using the stuff other than a Zip are hobbiests.
Removing the extra file extension will work - unless the file is corrupted. If it is corrupted it simply will not function, you may get an error message but it is 99% unlikely to damage your game or system.
Re: Civ3v129f.exe.cfm
Originally posted by Calvin Vu
I get this file after downloading the patch. How do I turn it into a .exe file ? The intruction from firaxis.com just tell me to double-click on the downloaded file. That does not work since Windows does not know what to do with the .cfm file. Thanks.
Just check for file lenght: mine Civ3v1.29f patch exe is 10,153 Kb on a Win2000 directory list.
Hope it may help"We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip effort....it's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
- Admiral Naismith
Originally posted by miccofl
Well then, what's my hobby? (Other than Civ3)
Thanks to everybody who replied. I remembered that the file size was around 10,xxx K but I will have to double check that when I get home.
I also learned from a friend that the .cfm extension is used for the Macromedia's Cold Fusion Web pages. If this is the case then it could be a problem with the browser (Netscape 7.0) in hand-shaking with the Cold Fusion web site when getting the file name. It seems to mistake a the name of a file taken from that web site as the name of the web page. Since I have fast DSL connection and it takes little time to download, I'll try to download again using IE and report the bug to Netscape if that is the problem. Again, thanks.
Originally posted by: Ethelred
It was a Civ III mod was it not? You didn't get paid for it did you? If the answer is yes than you are a hobbiest. Which is who I said was using compression formats other than Zip.
Would you be one of those who might have called gunpowder witchcraft or the Steamboat “Fulton’s Folly” just because they don't subscribe to the fatalistic notion that "that's how it is, that's how they made it?” I’ve read many of your posts, and therefore I know you are not a stupid individual. How can you subscribe to the "they must be right" mentality that chokes and constricts creative thought in our world? (I use PC-WinMe and like it, but I would not belittle an XP or Mac user for their choice.)
Please - don't stoop to that level as it demeans us all. If we cannot use new things and bring them forth to others to use and enjoy/learn/profit by/save time from then we would still be living in the Stone Age. Just because WinZip comes with your computer, doesn’t mean that it is the only, or best way to compress or decompress files, as it certainly is not. To use a help forum to promote and promulgate such counterproductive and backward thinking ideas is a disservice to those who come here for help and is also an affront to the sensibilities of the creative, and forward-thinking individuals who come here to help, and/or be helped.
In short, my point to you is “Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it useless, second-rate, “hobbyist” or wrong” (BTW- you misspelled it.) Or as I have often pointed out to my boss (usually twice, and he only gets it the second time) “Just because you say it’s so, doesn’t make it so” (and that’s usually when it costs him money so I also get to say “I told you so.”)
I’ve made the point I you caused me to make, but if you would care to debate this subject further, I would suggest a new thread in the OT forum. If you choose to do so, please PM me with the thread location, as I don’t go there often.
Originally posted by miccofl
Ethelred, it's a good thing that everyone does not feel as you do. We would all be afraid to progress. I did not create the compression program you call me a hobbyist for using, I bought and paid for it – because it was that good. But then I will be buying PTW too…
I said the compresion format is used by hobbiests. This is pretty much true. I am sure professionals use occasionaly BUT if they are posting a program or a patch they mostly use ZIP and for the reasons I gave. If they don't use a zip file then its very likely they will use the self executable option that is there mostly for professionals.
Would you be one of those who might have called gunpowder witchcraft or the Steamboat “Fulton’s Folly”
Please - don't stoop to that level as it demeans us all.
In short, my point to you is “Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it useless, second-rate, “hobbyist” or wrong”
BTW- you misspelled it.)
Little things for little minds.
Or as I have often pointed out to my boss (usually twice, and he only gets it the second time) “Just because you say it’s so, doesn’t make it so” (and that’s usually when it costs him money so I also get to say “I told you so.”)
I’ve made the point I you caused me to make, but if you would care to debate this subject further, I would suggest a new thread in the OT forum. If you choose to do so, please PM me with the thread location, as I don’t go there often.
The file was unlikely to be a RAR or an ACE because those are not usually used for patches or programs. They are used by hobbyiests and RAR is heavily used on Usnet for piracy.
By the way I use Ultimate Zip for unzipping. It can unace and unrar as well as unzip and its free. Not quite as fancy as WinZip but it works and it didn't cost me anything.
If I had a need to compress a lot of files that actually can compress I also might find a use for ACE but as is I mostly unzip and rarely compress any of my files. Which again is not a knock on ACE nor was anything I ever said in this thread even remotely what you think I said.