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Edgar Rice Burroughs

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  • Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Does anybody think that a good mod could be based on the John Carter of Mars series? The different species of units (green men, red men, etc.) and the floating ships would be interesting, I think. Also, the terrain of Barsoom would appear to have lots of potential.

  • #2
    There is a discussion on CivFanatics under Victorian Space Opera that while not directly from that series will have a Mars based scenario with many common features. If you can get interest up on the John Carter idea a collaboration in terms of graphics and basic rules ideas would seem profitable

    (or just take an interest in the Victorian mod , but it'll be late 19th century technology based)


    • #3
      Thanks for the tip on the related subject. Yes, I think that Burrough's Barsoom/John Carter series would have lots of potential: heroic characters (John Carter - Confederate soldier and 19th century space voyager - "the greatest swordsman on two worlds", Tars Tarkas - warrior king), plenty of swashbuckling action, sexy heroines (Dejah Thoris - beautiful, immodest and usually always unclothed), different races with unique units to each race, the floating ships built on the 9th ray of Barsoom (reminds me of the grav ships in SMAC), and the unique terrain of Barsoom (the Barsoomian sward reminds me of the fungus from SMAC). In a way, it also reminds me of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds rock/opera adaptation of the H.G. Wells book. Perhaps there will be more interest in Burroughs' Barsoom/John Carter series because I have read that Paramount Pictures just bought the movie rights from Disney (which had owned the rights for several years but had not made a movie). Maybe the related Victorian Space Opera project will incorporate some of these themes.


      • #4
        Actually since my last post (Victorian Space opera) there's been an interest in the John Carter series for ideas, in particular for the Martians. But can we find somebody to animate them? In particular the four armed Martians would be a great addition to any Mars mod. We're also discussing terrain ideas (or at least I am) - what is the sward? I probably have one terrain type free right now, it might be the unique touch I'm looking for!


        • #5
          The sward is the grasslike growth in the desert areas. I believe that it is similar to the red weed in War of the Worlds or similar to the fungus in SMAC. Aside from the terrain features the units' weaponry could consist of long and short swords (the green martians have six limbs - so they would be very powerful swordsmen) and the radium rifles (with exploding projectiles). Some of the grav ships could become invisible, as I recall from the books. As stated earlier, I have read that Paramount bought the movie rights and the producers are some of the same people responsible for The Mummy and The Scorpion King. If a movie is ever made of A Princess of Mars then perhaps there will be more interest. I have fond memories of reading this series during my pre-teen years. Burroughs wrote pulp fiction at its best. Highly entertaining stuff.


          • #6
            How about ...

            a scenario based upon Michael Moorcock's "Warlords Of The Air"? -- basically the internal combustion engine isn't developed well enough for aircraft until much later than historically occured, and the Great Victorian Empires ruled via their fleets of airships ...

            So: airships; Victoriana; different tech tree and units.

            ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


            • #7
              Re: How about ...

              Originally posted by Ozymandias
              a scenario based upon Michael Moorcock's "Warlords Of The Air"? -- basically the internal combustion engine isn't developed well enough for aircraft until much later than historically occured, and the Great Victorian Empires ruled via their fleets of airships ...

              So: airships; Victoriana; different tech tree and units.


              Sorry to thread jack, but do you play TA Ozy?
              Pentagenesis for Civ III
              Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
              Pentagenesis Gallery


              • #8
                Re: Re: How about ...

                Originally posted by NeOmega

                Sorry to thread jack, but do you play TA Ozy?
                I can't recall if TA is/were the initials -- or the game's full name for that matter -- but do you mean GDW's RPG series with Victorians on Mars?

                ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


                • #9
                  I can't recall if TA is/were the initials -- or the game's full name for that matter -- but do you mean GDW's RPG series with Victorians on Mars?

                  somethin like that.
                  Pentagenesis for Civ III
                  Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                  Pentagenesis Gallery

