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Guy With A Bit of Unit Graphic Skill Wanted...

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  • Guy With A Bit of Unit Graphic Skill Wanted...

    ... Good pay, a decent insurance plan, and full retirement benefits.

    I need someone to help me do a bit of work on some of the existing units and customize them a bit. The most work that someone would be doing might be changing hats and clothes a bit, or giving a unit a slightly different weapon.

    Any takers, reply to this post or PM me, I'm available 9 to 5, 7 days a week.

  • #2
    good luck... i had to shelve my fantasy scenario because i couldn't get anyone to help with the graphics.
    I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
    [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


    • #3
      I'm sure your scenario would have required a bit more work than mine. All I need is a few things changed on uniforms, and that's all.


      • #4
        Graphics help...

        I might be able to help you out. Details, man, I need details. Which units are you trying to alter, in what way. What kind of a mod are you working on and what do you wish the end product to look like.


        • #5
          Right now I'm working on a scenario about the Napoleonic Wars. What I need most is unique-looking uniforms for countries and their various units, for which I can supply some nicely detailed pictures. I can also supply a 3d Model if that's what you want to work with. Let me know what sounds good to you and if you might be interested.


          • #6
            I'm beginning my own mod and have all of the tools that I need at my disposal. I really like playing around the the graphics aspect of the mod tho. I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to export images that are modeled, rendered, and then inserting them into the flic format. The aspect of it that is concerning me is that after I model a unit, take a sequence of pictures of the unit performing an action, and then insert it into the flic file using flicster, I'm not sure how to correctly have the palette configured.
            I'd be happy to help you with your mod, as a means of learning the know-how of doing exactly what I want. Send your data to my address ( and maybe we can work something out. I'm not an expert, but I am trying to get this to work for my own benefit.


            • #7
              Unfortunately, I'm about as graphically inept as you can be for someone who creates so much stuff, so I'm afraid I won't be much help other than being able to give direction on what I want stuff to look like.

              What all do you want me to send you?

              If you want to take a look at the model, then I'll have to go ask someone for it, and the permission to mod it (since I wasn't the one to make it). He made an awesome looking Napoleonic Rifleman unit, and simply modding the uniform on that great model may be the way to go.


              • #8
                Just send me the images that you have and make suggestions as to how you would like them incorporated into the unit you would like. You could also send me the model so that I can see what we are talking about. I access my mail at work so I'll have have to take this stuff home before I can play with the images or modeling.

                Rough sketches of what you want, images to go by, and such I guess is what I want. I'll play around and see if I can come up with what you want.

                I'm not promising anything but I'll see what we can hash out together.


                • #9
                  I hate to make you dig, but for now I don't have time to bundle something together, so if you're curious and have some time you could check out a few sources yourself.

                  Here is a thread over at CFC on the FLICster. It may or may not contain any useful information, if not, forgive me.

                  Hi All - It's been a while since I've been here. RL and other pursuits have kept me busy. Now It looks like I'll have some time to make some improvements to FLICster, so I'm looking for suggestions. One thing that is already on my list is foreign-language support. I have received some...

                  Here is one of the pages in my scenario thread over at CFC, with some examples of uniforms I may need. There are some about 2/3 of the way down on this page, and a few on the page after that.

                  4th Project update: I've completed some major work regarding the map in the past couple days. What I've done is eliminated roads altogether (hold on), and given each city a people 'resource' underneath, which allows each city to be able to produce certain nationality units depending upon...

                  Here is the thread for the Napoleonic Rifleman unit I was talking about.

                  Here it is! As an counterpoint to dark sheers colonial musketman here is a slightly later type of infantry suitable for the napoleonic wars. I would recommend having the firaxis rifleman come slightly later on the techtree (industrialisation perhaps) while the napoleonic infantry (or early...

                  Hope you find some of that stuff helpful.

