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Domination victory...How many hours do I have to sit behind my computer?

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  • Domination victory...How many hours do I have to sit behind my computer?

    I love to play civ III, but like many of you I have a life, which includes a job, a family, and obligations.

    The point: I am playing on a large continent with 7 other civs. I am probably about 5-15 techs ahead of everyone else. (I have battleships and tanks, they have ironclads and rifleman) I have 45 cities and I think the rest of the world has about 100, 30% of which are little cities used claim land. I am extremely wealthy $400+ gold per turn, I have a democracy (playing the second easiest level, I just got to the last age, and I can create a war machine in 4-5 turns. That said I have 3 questions.

    1) If I spent 10 turns polishing up my cities for max science, trade, production and luxuries and then created a huge army. How many real time hours do you all think it would take to win a domination victory?
    2) How do you get another nation to start a war with you without hurting your reputation?
    3) Off the subject- How can I check which criterias for victory I started the game with?

  • #2
    Re: Domination victory...How many hours do I have to sit behind my computer?

    Originally posted by caliskier
    1) If I spent 10 turns polishing up my cities for max science, trade, production and luxuries and then created a huge army. How many real time hours do you all think it would take to win a domination victory?
    Let's say, in average, 1 tank in 3 turns per productive city, you'll get about 80-100 tanks in 10 turns.
    If your enemy have build railroad all over their country, you can easily take'em out in 10-15 turns.
    If you make more than 1 war at same time you can take out about 3 civs in that time, for all civs, it's about I think will be 25-30 turns.
    You can set war mobilization to speed you military production anp get more tanks to aid in the clean process.
    Consider 10-20 minutes per war turn.

    Originally posted by caliskier
    2) How do you get another nation to start a war with you without hurting your reputation?
    Why care about reputation? They won't live much to talk about reputation...

    Originally posted by caliskier
    3) Off the subject- How can I check which criterias for victory I started the game with?
    I`m not sure, but If you start another game, in the setup screen the default criterias will be the same of the last game, may be another way, but I only know this one.
    Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


    • #3
      Thanks for the advice. Yeah, Reputation doesn't matter much if you are the only critic!


      • #4
        If you want to win by domination, you will probably not be the only one critic. To do so, you must win by conquest.
        But you should take care of other win conditions enabled (UN, space race and culture).
        "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


        • #5
          If your that far in front, me thinks it's time
          to call it quits and start a new game on a higher
          difficulty level.
          Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
          Then why call him God? - Epicurus


          • #6
            I think so too, but I may as well finish up. I'm going to find out exactly which cities need workers, and then fortify or disband the rest. When I do start over I am going to work on a smaller planet.


            • #7
              You might want to try the MapStat utility (see the Files forum). It looks at a .sav file and gives a breakdown of the geography and population for each civ, including how close each one is to the required 66% for a victory.

              Whether this a cheat or not is up to you.


              • #8
                Let's see. I am not sure, but after loading up the saved game, and starting it, then maybe you could go to the New Screen game, and see what conditions you had set up for the game. Right now, I am not sure, if the last condition will still be set up on the main start screen or the saved game conditions will show up when starting a new game from the loaded saved playing game with using the icon on top left and starting up a new game in the menu.

