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MOD: Knightblade pDM's Personal Mod

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  • MOD: Knightblade pDM's Personal Mod

    Okay, after being told not to post .SAVs asking for help with personal mods without revealing the mod itself, here it is in all of its glory:

    General Settings:

    Road Movement is now 4..upped from 3
    Corruption is now 75% on all levels
    Barbarian Galleys have been removed

    Combat Experience:

    Conscript: 2 HPs, Retreat 34
    Regular: 4 HP, Retreat 50
    Veteran: 6 HP, Retreat 58
    Elite: 8 HP, Retreat 68

    World Sizes:

    Tiny: 60*60, 16 civs, OCN is 8, Tech Rate 160, Distance is 6
    Small: 80*80, 16 civs OCN is 12, Tech Rate is 200, Distance is 9
    Standard: 100*100, 16 civs, OCN is 16, Tech Rate is 240, Distance is 12
    Large: 180*180, 16 civs, OCN is 18, Tech Rate is 320, Distance is 18
    Ultra(formerly Huge): 256*256, 16 Civs, OCN is 24, Tech Rate is 360, Distance is 30


    Bowman: Babylon UU
    Man-O-War: All civs can build, upgrades to Ironclad, has ZoC
    All navy vessels have +1 movement except Galleys
    Archer: Upgrades to Riflemen
    Marine: Now 9/9/1
    Longbowman: English UU
    Cruise Missle: Now has Bomb. Range of 5, Bomb. Strength of 25, Lethal Land/Sea Bombardment, Able to be loaded onto Nuke Subs
    Bombers/Stealth Bombers: Now have Lethal Land/Sea Bombardment
    Tactical Nuke: Now has Range of 6
    Nuke Subs: Can now transport 4
    AEGIS Cruisers: Now has transport capacity of 4(Cruise Missles/Tact Nukes)
    War Elephants: No longer have Airdrop

    There are some other changes, mainly to unit A/D/M(Cavalry, Knights etc) but nothing to get into a twist over.

    All these changes have been tested in all my games and the AI makes the upgrades accordingly. From what I have seen, the game does not seem unbalanced in any way as all the changes benefit the AI as much as the human player.

    Whoever downloads this, I hope you enjoy and you are free to make any changes you feel necessary. To each their own

    Attached Files
    My Future Age-Snoopy's Terrain Mod
    My Future Age-European Terrain Mod
    My Future Age-Winter Terrain Mod
    All scenarios are from their respective terrains now allowing 24 civs and starting in the Future Age. Get them now for a great game!

  • #2
    Re: My own personal mod

    War Elephants: No longer have Airdrop
    Hahaha!! "Oh no, the Jumbo Jets are coming! Watch out for the paradropping elephants!!"

    Sorry for the off-topic, couldn't help it... Actually, I've never thought of units like this having the airdrop ability.

    I almost never play small maps and have a made an empty one ready for random, big maps. For this, I've given the most modern sea vessel a movement up to 20 (and earlier ones more as well). Maybe you should consider something simular if the huge and ultra maps are your main obes?

