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trading glitch?

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  • trading glitch?

    This happens all the time, in different games:

    I am on the verge of making a deal with the AI - "we almost have a deal here". Then I add some gold or whatever to sweeten the pot and the AI goes to "they would never make such a deal".

    I can't seem to figure out what variable causes it. What is up with that?

  • #2
    I dont know what causes it sorry, but I too have seen this and other really stupid and unrealistic demands etc from the AI.Very frustrating I hope to see some improvment in PTW though Im not sure if this will be the case.
    A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


    • #3
      The variable is simple in most cases. You added gold you don't have available. This happens with gold per turn trades. You can't promise 50 GPT if you only have 30 GP available per turn. You can fix the problem easily.

      Click on foreign advisor's head. Maybe its double-click. This will take you to the foreign advisor screen without closing the negotiation screen. Then click on the domestic advisor to switch to that screen, adjust your spending so you have more gold available for trade. Hit the X to close the the Domestic Advisor screen and you will be back to negotiations with more cash per turn.

      The AI can't pull this trick so you have to deal with they bring to the table.

      By the way the AI may make demands you don't like but they aren't stupid or unrealistic if your self needing to either make the deal or go to war to get what you want. That shows that it was valuable to you and thy just wanted what its worth to you.

      Just make sure you demand a lot back. If you are in the lead things that aren't very usefull to the AI may be very valuable to you and the AI knows it and will charge accordingly. This is something its much better to adapt to than be frustrated by.


      • #4
        Thanks Ethelred, however, I have huge amounts of gold per turn and available and am not exceeding my limit. What happens is that I am attempting to add more gold (or even extra luxuries) to sweeten a deal that the AI is on the verge of accepting. For some reason, instead of the AI accepting, this worsens the deal in the AI's eyes!!??


        • #5
          I think you are leaving out important details. Is this a peace negotiation? You can't add gold to your side of a peace deal unless of course the AI is demanding stuff from you and then there will be no gold on the AI's side of the deal.


          • #6
            I think you hit it. As I recall, I believe it was limited to peace negotiations when I would ask for a city. I was highly victorious and would choose a small outlying city as part of the booty. The AI would be "almost agreeable", and so I attempted to add items to make the deal, but it wouldn't work. It appears when asking for a city in peace negotiations, the AI has to either wholly agree or you can't have it no matter what.

