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Total Annihilation Units

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  • Total Annihilation Units

    Hello, im wondering, does anyone here know of an old RTS called Total Annihilation? It uses simple 3d units (but 2d terrain), and just like civ3, the unit models have blue panels that can change to player colours.

    Using a 3rd party unit editor for TA, its possible to look at the model in full 3d (the game uses an overhead view) and the different parts of the unit can be rotated and posed how you want(arms, turret, head etc).

    Using this ive had a go at making flics from the TA units (using printscreen and paste from the unit editor to paint program). One good thing is that the blue colours present on the model are accepted by FLICster as the civ3 team colour part of the palet.

    However im not exactly expert on this... shadows are not working yet. I also havent been able to animate anything yet. I know that animation would be possible using the TA unit editor to pose and re-pose the unit but it would be time consuming.

    Im sure there are more experienced people out there with TA that could do better than me. Im just wondeirng what people think of the idea, if you think it could work.... The basic examples ive attached need to be re-done because i wasnt being careful about positioning and size (i did them in about a hour rushing) but it shows basically what they would look like.

    Well thanks for reading this i appreicate any feedback on this idea...
    Last edited by Daftpanzer; October 2, 2002, 11:13.

  • #2
    Attached Files


    • #3
      and another hopefully....
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I considered it but wasnt sure how I could view it....

        I would be totally down for this as I still play @ and MSN Gaming Zone......

        So, ask questions, I'll answer. I'll talk to you some more tomorrow....
        Pentagenesis for Civ III
        Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
        Pentagenesis Gallery


        • #5
          but please tell me the name of the unit viewer you are using...
          Pentagenesis for Civ III
          Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
          Pentagenesis Gallery


          • #6
            did I heard Total Annihilation? ...

            hint: look at my avatar...
            by the way they´re really nice!
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            • #7
              Im using 3do builder, its the latest version as far as i know.

              I suppose the TA unit viewer porgram would be better, as it lets you show animations etc. Maybe something like hypersnap dx could capture the animations as a series of screen captures fractions of a second apart? i think it could be done... However i think the unit viewer persepctive is to far overhead... it would look wierd in civ3... unless theres a way to change the overhead angle i think 3d0 builder is the only option

              I play TA on ms gaming zone sometimes but everyone hates be because im |\0OB... had TA for ages but only had internet for 2 years...


              • #8
                I didn't realize until now how blocky these units are. I'm gonna hold off for a long while, and maybe return to this mod in a year. I think perhaps it might be interesting with squads of four units per unit.... that way the lack of detail can be hidden in the unit's size.
                Pentagenesis for Civ III
                Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                Pentagenesis Gallery


                • #9
                  Well i was rushing with those examples.. Im sure it could be done better. Anyway some of the 3rd party TA units out here are very much more detailed compared to the original units (the game was designed to run on 100mhz), so there are better unit models that could be tried....


                  • #10
                    yah I got TAUCP 3.5 too
                    had tauip but i screwed up installing it
                    the raptor and the cougar,karganeth and krogoth.... hhmmmm.....
                    Pentagenesis for Civ III
                    Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                    Pentagenesis Gallery


                    • #11
                      Has anything been done with this? I love Total Annihilation, and would like to see a mod.
                      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.

