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Changing World Sizes

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  • Changing World Sizes

    In Civ3Edit, I am having difficulty changing the world size.

    I started to create a map of a world; however, in the middle of drawing the outline, I realized that a Huge map does not have enough Y coordinates. Therefore, I went to the rules edit and changed the height to 240.

    What I realized is that this only affects new maps. So I need a way for Civ3Edit to add more diamonds to a map I have already started, or I need a way to copy the existing map, and place it on one with more diamonds. Any solution would be helpful, because I really don't want to start over. Thanx.

  • #2
    I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but sorry, you're SOL on this one. If you were making this map from a bmp, gif or jpg there is a utility called "Mapmaker" that will speed things up, but there is no way to increase the size of a map once you have started work on it.

