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MAP: Planet Earth

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  • MAP: Planet Earth

    This is an original, huge world map. It is the same map used in my scenario “20th Century Mod” but there are no new leaderheads or units and no cities, roads or rail placed, and the game begins at the “Dawn of Civilization.” Using Harlan's resources, 20 resources have been added each with a Civilopedia entry.

    Unit A/D/M's have been altered for playability on large to huge maps and to lessen the incidence of "Knight defeats Tank." Not to say it won’t happen, but you will not see it as often - it makes it a luck factor rather than a statistical probability.

    This mod/map requires Civ3, the version 1.29f patch and Harlan's Resources. (You will need to download and install his graphics mod or this one will crash - see this link to download: .) If you are familiar with downloaded mods, you already know to back-up your Art and Text folders before installing mods. If you are new to this sort of thing you should create a folder in your CivIII folder called "old" or something similar. Make a copy of the Art folder and the Text folder in the old folder in case you want to restore your game to original. Unzip the mod file into your CivIII folder and everything should end up in its proper place. The readme with Harlan’s Resources has the instructions to install those files.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Here's a screenshot of the map.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      ...and a thumbnail:
      Attached Files

