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Which is the most accurate and playable earth map?

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  • Which is the most accurate and playable earth map?

    I want an earth map that is accurate and can support 16 civs, as large as possible. I also want correct starting positions and resources. which one do you guys recommend?

  • #2
    Marla's is nice but I like TETurkhan's also.
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    • #3
      TET's is my favorite.
      Seemingly Benign
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      • #4
        Marla's is accurate but not playable.

        Anything with 250x250 tiles is just not playable.


        • #5
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          • #6
            Because it takes ages between turns. On a map of that scale, there are so many cities, units etc. that it takes very long to load all changes for the next turn. I recommend playing maps larger than 140x140 only if you have a CPU of 500 MhZ with 256 MB RAM or better. I you want to play on maps like 250x250 or larger, you'd better have something like a 2 GhZ 512 MB computer, unless you like to wait more than a minute for the next turn.


            • #7
              I love 250 X 250 maps. My computer can handle them fine and I enjoy them. My dream is to be bale to play a 500 X 500 tile world map.
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              • #8
                Originally posted by SMIFFGIG
                Two things.

                Heavy micromanagment by movining all those hundreads of untis and selecting all those hundreads of build queues (and don't forget pollution clrearing).

                Insane waits between turn.
                Playable unit middle ages, after that...

                LONG WAITS & BORING GAMEPLAY!!!

                On the other hand, on stadard map, even with minimum config. you can play just fine without any kind of delays (exept loading of saved games).

                I could handle micromanagement nightmane in Civ2 in such large maps, but in Civ3 since it has much more advanced comabt model (no swarm of Howitzers with beat all easily), it's just much more demanding (and boring on larger maps).
                Sice it's an OLD game, between turn waits are minimal.

                Still, I prefer Civ3, but on standard or smaler maps.

                Now, if only could somebody make good standard size Earth map.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by player1
                  Now, if only could somebody make good standard size Earth map.
                  There are many standard size earth maps available on Apolyton and Civfanatics, for example Souffie's map.

                  PS: Good mod, Player 1!
                  Last edited by Martinus Magnificus; September 18, 2002, 13:00.


                  • #10
                    Player1: you may want to consider the fact that some people actually like to play on huge maps. Some of us like to micromanage. And there is something to be said for strategically placing three or four hundred units and annihilating an enemy within a few turns. The long wait between turns can be put to good use reading, watching TV, posting here at poly (although sometimes a pop-under can cause a browser lock-up with civ3 running) etc. You may not like large maps; I can understand and respect that. To make a blanket statement that large maps are unplayable does a disservice to the person who asked the question and the game we all love to play.


                    • #11
                      It's not all in micromanagment.
                      It is in having bwteen turn waits which are longer then turn micromanagment.

                      You may not like large maps; I can understand and respect that. To make a blanket statement that large maps are unplayable does a disservice to the person who asked the question and the game we all love to play.
                      What's wrong with statment?

                      Somebody asked a question, I answered it.
                      They are unplayable by me.

                      Of course, in bewteen turn waits would be smaller then I would actualy try playing large maps (as I did in Civ2).

                      And don't foget that starting question was about most accurate and playable map.

                      Marla's map is accurate.
                      It's also Gigantic (more then standard huge size).

                      Which makes it unplayable to many people because of these 2 resons I posted before.

                      Luckly PtW will have some micromanaging solutions (like stacked movment, auto-bombard, and realy-points).

                      And if I get better PC, I could actualy give huge maps a chance again (but it would probably be some the "huge" wold map, non gigantic marla's map).


                      • #12
                        Player1, the point was: just because you don’t like the type of game play involved does not mean the map is unplayable. The difference may seem semantic to some, but there is a difference nevertheless. Most of the world maps available are huge to gigantic; those of us who created them play-tested them before presenting them for download. So while you may not like the style of play involved, it does not render them unplayable as they have been played.

                        The original post read:
                        I want an earth map that is accurate and can support 16 civs, as large as possible. I also want correct starting positions and resources.
                        One more time for the visually impaired: "as large as possible."

                        ElitePersian, Marla's map is good, if you might prefer a scenario on a huge world map with 20 additional resources try this:

