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Italian UU

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  • #16
    Brazil - Jesuit Missionary, armed and treats all squares as roads. They're not known as fighting machines,
    or Footballers, all attack and no defence.
    Slavers- like in the Mission film, they're tough fast men, best at attacking primitive villages.. could be a blitz cavalry unit, can also capture lots of workers easily.

    Italy - A rennaisance unit , a better Mediaval Infantry unit?(see PTW) probably a horse unit.. a cavalry with an attack of 8 maybe, but moves just 2.
    Or a UU of a better Riflemen.

    Argentina is known for horses too.. maybe it should have special cavalry, conquistadors..

    I think A UU of a privateer pirate ship would be good too,

    South Africa - Mercenaries, weak, low hitpoints but good at ambush attacks, maybe hidden nationality.
    This countries well know for mercenaries to help the other african countries and in worldwide undesirable wars.


    • #17
      How are race relations in Brazil? I know this is off topic but I am interested to know.


      Originally posted by Dom Pedro II
      I am from Brazil so here's a few suggestions for a Brazilian UU...

      1. The Slave (we imported more slaves than any other country in the world). It has a negative connotation, but history isn't always pretty. So maybe it could be a sort of worker unit that has a 0 population cost, and possibly an extra movement point just to make it worthwhile.

      2. The Bandito. A possible Hidden Nationality unit useful for pillaging other civilization's infrastructure.

      Brazil has never fought many wars, so we have very few great military leaders or specific weaponry. We did, however, fight a war with Paraguay in the late 1860s. The decisive weapon, since it was primarily a war over rivers, was the Ironclad. In fact, the Brazilian admiral used the ironclads in a brilliant new way by latching them together as they passed the main Paraguayan fortress, and they devestated the defenses there.

      Also, during World War II, Brazil participated in the invasion of Italy. We only sent 25,000 troops, but nevertheless, our bombers were noted for their unique tactics. Traditionally, bombers of that era would fly high over the target, circle it, and then drop their payload. Not us. We flew in low, came out right over the target without circling, and dropped the bombs. The result was that we didn't get shot down as much. Unfortunately, we often destroyed the military installation and the hospital next door Accuracy was never a priority with us...

      The weapons we've used in wars have been rather traditional. It is the application of them that has been unique.
      Tutte le strade portano a Roma.


      • #18
        I think Italy should have a WW2 unit called the "Escort Fighter". It accompanies Nazi bombers on missions and then vanishes as soon as an American fighter is in sight.

        I've increased my medication and I am now able to experience pleasure... especially when my Legions march on Berlin and capture the Great Wall! >:-)


        • #19
          Italian History

          An Italian civ is difficult because not many Italians consider themselves fully Italian. I recently said this in another thread: but one thing Italians tend to agree that they have in common is the Roman Empire.

          Are you keeping the Roman Empire in your mod? You may want to work that into your Italian civ. Particularly in keeping the Legionairre as an earlier unit.

          During the medieval ages, "Italy" consisted of a number of small states -- eventually the most prominant being the Holy Roman Empire. Somehow using this to bring religion into the game might be useful: perhaps making temples and cathedrals more potent; or by creating a cleric character of some sort (cannot think up any good ways to fit such a chacter within the game, however).

          During the renaissance, the northern states of "Italy" became a powerful cultural center of Europe. Again, a specific unit does not immediately come to mind for this era; but somehow having the civ be able to gain extra culture (perhaps create a library or cathedral for Italians that produces extra cultural points per turn).

          During the beginning of the industrial revolution, the Bersaglieri (mentioned in a previous post) came to be well-known. I believe the force originated from Sardinia (capital: Turin). The Bersaglieri were a force of light infantry, which continue to exist today.
          Here is the official page of the Bersaglieri:
          Here is a page containing history of the Bersaglieri:

          The early 20th Century (by this point, Italy had been unified) saw Italy's worst moments -- particularly during World War II. The Bersaglieri continued to exist as a light infantry unit, serving on the front lines during both World Wars. However, during World War II I do not believe that there were too many units distinctly Italian. At the time, Mussolini was a puppet for Hitler; and thus most units were merely German units with Italian names. I would suggest keeping the Bersaglieri, but possibly updating its power somewhat to compensate for new advances in weapons technology.

          Modern Italy does not have too much that is distinctly Italian. The North tends to be more powerful economically and politically, while the South is more agricultural. This is similar to America during the 1800s, where the South seemed to be holding back the rest of the nation economically; but yet America could not survive without it. From a Northern viewpoint (thus I have bias, perhaps if any South Italians care to shed their own viewpoints: feel free), the South seems to be ruled by the Mafia, so perhaps having a Mafia unit may be useful. The North would remain more cultural and economical, perhaps like to the Renaissance era.

          **I know, everything I said probably does not help you much. This is because there is no real "Italy" other than a name on a map. Italy consists more of a number of independent states allied into a confederacy. There are few distinct aspects of the nation, with the exception of the Roman Empire. You may wish to reconsider an Italian civ, unless you are planning to restrict it to a certain time period and even still possibly creating two or more different Italian civilizations.**

          Here is a page with a lot of information on Italian history:

          With regards to other civs:

          South Africa -- Are you looking at before or after European colonization? Colonizing Africa thoroughly screwed up pretty much everything there... Also, within South Africa, are you looking at before or after apartheid?

          Brazil -- I know of one thing that almost all Brazilians would agree to: a football player as their civ's specific unit!

          (Hey there's an idea... a Civ mod consisting of football players instead of military units; and of course wars are fought through sport! I'll just leave that to any modders out there that more dedication to modding that I!)
          Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
          Ich stütze Palestina.
          El hedudd.
          iViva la Milano!


          • #20
            South Africa - After the apartheid

            Thanks for the info on Italy.
            For your photo needs:

            Sell your photos


            • #21
              There is a nice unit doing the rounds,
              You can find it on that 'other CIV site'...

              It is the Lancia IZM, a funky Armoured car...I use it as Romes 2nd UU...


              • #22
                Brazil was settled by the Portugese, as opposed to the rest of South America being settled/colonized by the something along these lines. Jesuits were a strong influence in Brazilian culture as they advocated for equality amongst the Portugese and the indigenious population, something that did not happen among the Spanish. Maybe a Jesuit unit that had weak offense but very strong defense, good for protecting cities.

