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SCENARIO: WWII (from Civ2) Almost Completed

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  • SCENARIO: WWII (from Civ2) Almost Completed

    I have been working on for the past while a Civ3 version of the Civ2 World War II scenario (the one that came with the original game). It is ALMOST finished, but Im going to be away for the next three months, and won't be able to do any further work. I'm just packaging up the scenario for anyone else who would like to finish off the transcribing of the scenario from Civ2 to Civ3.

    (the readme)
    WWII scenario, translated from Civ2

    Left to do:

    all cities are completed, as well as some extra ones.

    only Russian units are left to put into the game.

    Terrain Improvements:
    irrigation, roads, rails etc. from France, through Germany and into Russia still need to be put on the map.

    All 12 players (Allies, Axis, France, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and Persia) have the proper techs and governments (Dem, Fascism, Rep, Comm, Fascism, Rep, Rep, Dem, Dem, Rep, Rep, Mon respectively).
    NB: Netherlands, Sweden, Yugoslavia and Persia used to just be the "Neutrals" who had four cities, they are now four seperate Civs, with a city each. Also, Ireland and Switzerland were represented with barbarians, they too have a city each now (Dublin and Bern)

    Some resources are in, placed by the original map maker. I haven't touched them much at all, except for some Iron and Uranium I put up in Norway.
    You'll need some Rubber, possibly some oil in the US, some Russian horses (they can still use Cossacks if they so desire) and some Aluminum.

    Unit modifications:
    Besides a few changes to stats (One big one is that most ships now require Iron), some Civ2 units had to find new equivalent:

    Alpine Troops, Marines and Rifelmen are all now Infantry (though there are still marines, you don't start with any, and Infantry can make amphibious assaults. However, actual Marines are far better than regular Infantry at amphibious assaults)

    Armour is now Tanks and Panzers.

    The Artillery is still Artillery.

    Destroyers and Cruisers are both represented by Destroyers, however since cruisers were a bit more powerful, fleets have been tweaked a little, usually giving an extra battleship to compensate.

    That's really about all the changes. All that's left to do is finsh putting in the irrigation etc. and the Russian units and the game will be playable.

    Two things to note: the game is probably only playable as the Germans since that way you choose when to go to war (though it's only fair that you always attack France, the Allies, and the Netherlands at the very start, as you start at war with them in Civ2)
    Also, there is no division between New York and Washington and Eastern Russia (since there are no flat maps). This was a slight overlook by Fredrik; the guy who made the map - and did an awesome job at it as well (Thanks a lot again, good to see someone has the patience to do the stuff that needs to get done). It's really not that serious and would be fixed with a flat map additon to the game, either that or with PtW (hopefully) you can set who's allied with who and who's at war with who and make the game playable as the Allies.

    Anyway, that's all. Hopefully someone has fun making and then playing this scenario. I'l catch up with it later, probably not till December, though I'll check the forums as I should have an internet connection. Thanks again to Fredrik who did the hard work.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Andrew_Jay; September 5, 2002, 12:26.
    You sunk my Scrableship!

  • #2
    PM me when this is ready to be moved.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Probably won't be ready for a very long time, depends if someone is going to finish it off. I'm currently away from a computer that can run Civ3 so I can't do any further work on it. Do you put partially completed scenarios in the 'files' section?
      You sunk my Scrableship!


      • #4
        Well, I can do so, if there is a long time betwwn updates. But I don't know if the Directory rules permits it.

        Well, this one goes to the files forum.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

