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Plane Graphics?

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  • Plane Graphics?

    Does anybody know if there are some good plane graphics I could use? I would like to have Bombers and Fighters upgrade to new planes that become available with advanced flight. I think that there should be an intermediate step between the old ugly fighters and the sleek jet fighters. I also don't want the bombers that come with flight to be, effectively, around until the end of the game. So if someone could find another bomber and another fighter graphic that would suit these purposes, I would appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance.
    "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

    Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005

  • #2
    You might try looking over in the "Files" area. If there's nothing to you liking there, Civ Fanatics has a lot of unit graphics as well.


    • #3
      Yea, at CF ( there's a Hawker Harrier, B-52, B-1B Lancer, Euro Strike Fighter and A-10 Warthog. Go to Forums, Customization, Unit Graphics, Unit Library.

