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need help with tech tree...

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  • need help with tech tree...

    How do you get the arrows on the tech tree to work correctly?

  • #2
    There's a graphic file in there somewhere, not sure where, with the arrows on it, You'll have to bring it into a graphics program and do it yourself.


    • #3


      • #4
        My sentiments exactly. I've made a couple of changes in my game as well, so I'm looking at the same hassle. Provided I want to go through the bother.


        • #5
          Maybe this will help

          I have done some extensive work on the tech tree for my own mod, and I have posted this tutorial over on civfanatics. I have also included isolated arrows and modified (smaller) tech boxes that will allow you to fit more techs in each era.

          Science Advisor Tutorial: How to get you Modified Tech Tree to Look Professional
          Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
          or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
          For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.

