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You don't have to do anything special although it does help to to have more gold.
Gold is not a special resource or a luxury like iron or gems. Its just money. If you find gold inside a citie's area then all you have to do is work the tile just like any other tile just as you do for wheat or cattle. I recommend mining the tile but you won't be able to make much of use of mountain tile untill you have a better government that starting despot.
It would be nice to have the manual but you really don't need it. Play the tutorial and read the Civilopedia. Read the strategy threads here and of course ask questions.
Oh I forgot this important thing. You still have the manual. Its on the CD in a PDF and if you can't read the file type just run the Adobe Acrobat installation which is also on the CD.
Its a good idea to have that PDF open in the background your first few games. Thats what I did anyway. I just hit ALT-TAB to switch from the game to the manual.
Here is were you will find them
G:\Manual - I have a lot of drives so you are unlikely to have the Civ III CD in the G drive like I do.
Civ3manual.pdf - thats the manual
ar500enu.exe - Thats the installer for the Adobe Acrobat reader.
Re: Help
Originally posted by Babette831
My kid got ahold of the book to this game before I had a chance to read it and I thought I could make it without the book, bug mistake, How do you get gold?? I have mined, I have irragted and no luck PLEASE HELP