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normal or huge sized map for scenarios?

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  • normal or huge sized map for scenarios?

    As I stated in a previous poll/thread, I'm working on a Roman scenario (that's likely to be in latin).

    Now I've another question: should I make the scenario on a normal (100x100) sized map or a huge (180x180) sized map?

    The huge map allows for more accuracy, and in general a bigger game. On the other hand, it will slow down tremendously. What do you prefer?

    The map I'll use will probably either be a modification of El Mencey's 100x100 map of Europe, or a modification of El Mencey's 180x180 map of Europe. The reason I like these maps is because they don't feature all of scandinavia or asia, parts of the world that won't feature in the scenario anyway. If you have any other maps that may be usefull, please let me know.
    normal (100x100), less slow but less accurate
    huge (180x180), slow but more accurate
    Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit

  • #2
    Huge. My 550Mhz computer can handle them without a problem unlike most other people for some reason.

    Besides, it's a damn TBS game, if you are so worried about speed then stick with RTS games.
    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


    • #3
      I like huge.
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      • #4
        I have a 500 Mhz Celeron running on 563, and it slows down tremendously on huge maps in medieval times during a regular game. I expect a scenario to run just as slowly with the same number of units and cities.

        Another problem: on huge maps, the vast empire of the Romans will cover half the map. Extreme micromanagement will be the result. Have you ever tried running an empire covering half a 180x180 map?
        Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


        • #5
          Originally posted by Saint Marcus
          I have a 500 Mhz Celeron running on 563, and it slows down tremendously on huge maps in medieval times during a regular game. I expect a scenario to run just as slowly with the same number of units and cities.

          Another problem: on huge maps, the vast empire of the Romans will cover half the map. Extreme micromanagement will be the result. Have you ever tried running an empire covering half a 180x180 map?

          I have a P3 550MHz, and a P4m 1.6Ghz both with 256MB of SDRAM/SODIUM RAM Respectfully. Celeron is the prob. The program requires at least a PII, Celerons are below PII in general performace.

          I will agree... making large mods within the editor is hell because of the way Firaxis set up the undo/redo feature.
          I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


          • #6

            There is no point of playing huge and unplayable scenarios.
            There are already many huge scenarios here and at civfanatics and they are all pretty unplayable.
            ("Marla Map's sindrome")

            You need to move all those units.
            And micromagane all those cities.
            And plus wage a war.

            Slowers compures can't handle anything larger then standard maps.

            But can't handle, I mean not having more them 1-2 minute waits.


            • #7
              plz use normal, huge is useless and a wasting of time.
              Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

              The new iPod nano: nano


              • #8
                Standard. My machine turns Civ into an RTS on a huge map after the ancient age (at least the wait time feels like it)
                Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure

