I've just finished a Scenario based heavily on the Rome Scenario from Civilization 2. This is my first scenario, so I decided to do something not too hard. While it isn't terribly original, I do have quite a few changes that I think work pretty well.
Only four Strategic Resources:
ELEPHANTS (Only found in North Africa, thus the Carthaginians and Egyptians will have to be conquored or traded with) &
"NUMIDIA" (Placed under a Carthaginian and Egyptian city, this resource that looks like Uranium lets them build Impi. If you capture their cities, you can also build Impi)
Heavy Cavalry; comes with The Empire, requires Iron and Horses. 4/2/3 (everybody)
War Elephants; comes with Polytheism, requires Elephants. 4/2/2 (everybody)
Cetic Sworsman; comes with Iron Working, requires Iron. 4/2/1 (Celts)
Barbarian. 2/2/1 (Barbarians)
SwordsMEN; comes with Iron Working, required Iron. 3/2/1 (Everybody except Celts and Romans)
Legionary; same as usual, can now build roads and fortresses. (Rome)
Horseman. 3/1/2 (everybody)
War Chariot. 3/1/2 (Egypt)
Chariot. 2/1/2 (everybody)
Pikemen; comes with The Republic, requires Iron. 3/1/1 (Everybody except Macadonians & Greeks)
Archers and Bowman have defensive bombard, making them worth having even with the much better offensive units.
Plus a few changes to governments and City Improvements, mostly to help the cash flow.
Anyway, that's about it. I hope getting ti working won't be any trouble, just stick the unit files with the regualr ones (and yes, overwrite your regular legion, only changes in mine are a few lines in the .ini to give the unit its fidget animation when buidling stuff).
I hope you all like it, please keep in mind it's my first one
Only four Strategic Resources:
ELEPHANTS (Only found in North Africa, thus the Carthaginians and Egyptians will have to be conquored or traded with) &
"NUMIDIA" (Placed under a Carthaginian and Egyptian city, this resource that looks like Uranium lets them build Impi. If you capture their cities, you can also build Impi)
Heavy Cavalry; comes with The Empire, requires Iron and Horses. 4/2/3 (everybody)
War Elephants; comes with Polytheism, requires Elephants. 4/2/2 (everybody)
Cetic Sworsman; comes with Iron Working, requires Iron. 4/2/1 (Celts)
Barbarian. 2/2/1 (Barbarians)
SwordsMEN; comes with Iron Working, required Iron. 3/2/1 (Everybody except Celts and Romans)
Legionary; same as usual, can now build roads and fortresses. (Rome)
Horseman. 3/1/2 (everybody)
War Chariot. 3/1/2 (Egypt)
Chariot. 2/1/2 (everybody)
Pikemen; comes with The Republic, requires Iron. 3/1/1 (Everybody except Macadonians & Greeks)
Archers and Bowman have defensive bombard, making them worth having even with the much better offensive units.
Plus a few changes to governments and City Improvements, mostly to help the cash flow.
Anyway, that's about it. I hope getting ti working won't be any trouble, just stick the unit files with the regualr ones (and yes, overwrite your regular legion, only changes in mine are a few lines in the .ini to give the unit its fidget animation when buidling stuff).
I hope you all like it, please keep in mind it's my first one