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Government Idea: Imperialism

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  • Government Idea: Imperialism

    NOTICE: NOT A REAL MOD, please do not send this to the Files section.


    Imperialism is a new government type for Civ3 that I have developed. Imperialism is meant for that warmonger blood that is hiding in you builder type players.

    You’re rule is absolute. You oppress your people, and force them to maintain their own facilities and military. Because of this hard work, the people don’t like you very much, and only so much can go into stopping corruption and rioting. The people don’t have time to rush improvements, and only so much time can go into training diplomats and spies. However, with a free military, and a discount on improvements, you can wage war without fear of it back lashing at home.

    The Bottom Line
    In case you didn’t get the hint from above, all military units and improvements are free plus no war wearyness. However, the price of this is that you can’t rush a project, corruption is on par with Monarchy, and you’re diplomats and spies suck. Science is cut down in half as well.

    The Numbers
    Prerequisite: Feudalism
    Corruption: Problematic
    Rate Cap: 5
    Work Rate: 2
    Assimilation: 6
    Draft Limit: 4
    Military Police: 1
    Hurry Production: Can't Hurry
    War Weariness: No
    Requires Maintenance: No
    Standard Tile Penalty: Yes
    Standard Trade Bonus: No
    Unit Support Costs: NONE!
    Diplomats Are: Conscript
    Spies Are: Conscript
    Immune To: Sabotage Production

    By looking at the numbers above, I’m sure you are feeling mixed emotions. Yes that free units stuff is the best, but at what costs? At stated above, you can’t rush, and your diplomats and spies are horrible, but you are immune to sabotages, which is a good thing, else your enemies would just love to take out your factories that are still being built. You can only invest 50% on science and entertainment.

    From my testing and experience with this government, it’s hard to handle. First off, don’t count on rushing barracks and temples up, don’t expect to get a large army out of drafting (not just due to the 4 draft limit, but also with the tile penalty, it’s hard to get a large city). Of course Religious civs will have a ball with this government, that’s a given, but there are repercussions from switching to this government and then back to say Republic or Democracy. You’ll get a few angry citizens that just won’t go away no matter what you do. So this government should be used for large scale attacks (where attacking units range from 30+ to almost 200), for a short period of time (generally about 20 turns should do it, anymore and expect problems when you switch back).

    A problem I face when I capture enemy cities under this government; is that the citizens become angry forever, and the population drops to one due to the governor’s control of the citizens’ moods (that one being an entertainer, and the second you make that citizen work all hell breaks lose). Razing a city is the best option, unless you absolutely need the city. Don’t look forward to the fact you have military police, since you only can have one. It’s not much, but I have seen cassis were just one was enough for me.

    Another issue to tackle is of course, the diplomatic and spy missions. Since this government require feudalism, the spy missions are of no concern for anyone at this point. However, stealing maps and techs with the diplomat is not good. I don’t know that many people that use these missions religiously, but they are a drawback, and it’s one less option for you to use. Remember, this is a military oriented government, so things like this are not required. Immune to sabotage missions is a blessing, since you can’t rush a project. Although I have yet to see the AI use this mission, this would be helpful against human players.

    I want to know what you guys (gals) think. My experiences are noted above, and I want to see how everyone else does with this before I officialy send this on it's way. Please give me some suggestions.
    Attached Files
    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!

  • #2
    I like the idea of this government, but I have an annoying and nit-picking correction to suggest.

    I would call this government a military dictatorship, or something more along those lines. "Imperialism" is really a type of foreign policy behavior, not really a system of government. Just about any type of government can engage in imperialism of one kind or another. England, in its heyday, was a great imperialist power, but its system of government was a constitutional monarchy. Japan was an imperialist power during WWII years, but its government was more of a theocratic oligarchy. It has been suggested that the United States spawns cultural imperialism, although I personally think this is left-wing rubbish.

    So my suggestion would be to change the name of your new government, but retain the idea of "Imperialism" perhaps as a minor or great wonder that has time-limited effects (since few civilizations stay in imperialist-mode forever).

    Thanks for these ideas...I, at any rate, plan to use them in the modified format I suggested.

    Ad astra per aspera

    [To the stars by hard roads]


    • #3
      Originally posted by Foxtamer
      I like the idea of this government, but I have an annoying and nit-picking correction to suggest.

      I would call this government a military dictatorship, or something more along those lines. "Imperialism" is really a type of foreign policy behavior, not really a system of government. Just about any type of government can engage in imperialism of one kind or another. England, in its heyday, was a great imperialist power, but its system of government was a constitutional monarchy. Japan was an imperialist power during WWII years, but its government was more of a theocratic oligarchy. It has been suggested that the United States spawns cultural imperialism, although I personally think this is left-wing rubbish.

      So my suggestion would be to change the name of your new government, but retain the idea of "Imperialism" perhaps as a minor or great wonder that has time-limited effects (since few civilizations stay in imperialist-mode forever).

      Thanks for these ideas...I, at any rate, plan to use them in the modified format I suggested.

      Wow, somebody tried it out!

      I didn't intend this government to be used for long term, just when you need to rage war, and then go back to whatever government type you were before really. So I could be in Republic, need to goto war, switch to imperialism, battle it out with all this free units and extra money and kick some butt, then go back really. It's hard to stay in this government in the long term, because the lack of science funding and not being able to rush projects.

      Besides the name, is there anything that is unbalancing, I tried to make the government be hard to use because of the two main features. Should I increase corruption? Decrease worker rates?
      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!

