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Help with Scenario bug

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  • Help with Scenario bug

    Hi everyone,

    I've been working on a scenario/mod.

    I finished the map and city placement, but before I started working on units, I wanted to test and see how it my flow early on just a bit...

    Unfortunately, everytime I load the scenario it crashes.

    It crashes during the "configuring scenario" portion. Right as the game loads to the "c" in scenario. But before the scenario would take into account any of the nearby barbarian villages or goody huts within a civ's culture radius.

    Now, using the same basic map/bic but before adding and editing... --I can load this scenario with some cities/units added without any trouble. And I was able to test a number of things out, but have not been able to find the problem.

    One thing I did check for was palaces, and I believe that all the civ's in my scenario do indeed have a palace.

    One thing I didn't check for was sheer number of cities, my scenario has about 130-140 and I wasn't going to add that many to a error check.

    Below is the error message as it appears, over and over and over...

    "CIVILIZATION3 caused an invalid page fault in
    module CIVILIZATION3.EXE at 0187:004ff716.
    EAX=01886098 CS=0187 EIP=004ff716 EFLGS=00010212
    EBX=0000004a SS=018f ESP=00adf858 EBP=0000006d
    ECX=00000000 DS=018f ESI=ffffffff FS=0d5f
    EDX=00007fff ES=018f EDI=0061e3e8 GS=0000
    Bytes at CS:EIP:
    8b 11 ff 52 54 8b 0d 44 4f 5f 00 8b 97 44 08 00
    Stack dump:
    0aabe5e8 0000004a 00000900 00000020 0000006d ffffffff 00000020 00000007 00000075 0053e14c 00000003 0000006c ffffffff 0000004c 00001dae 005f4e2c "

    If anyone has some suggestions or can lend a hand I would be most grateful as I have been working on this for more than a day now with little progress.



  • #2
    Any scenario workers in here???

    oh, and *bump*



    • #3
      Well, if anyone is interested I solved my bug problem. Not sure what it is exactly but here is the description as I have currently been able to define it.

      Cultural boundaries going off the side edges of the round world at the loading of the game. Basically when I removed or reduced the culture of the cities present at the edges (left and right only) the game loaded without problem. I tested this by then modifying a second bic to have cities on the edges and it would not load.

      My current problem though is that now the game crashes whenever I attempt to move the screen to the map edges (left and right) the game crashes without fault. However, I have not fully tested this and I need to try some things with ways around the edges causing a crash. I have already found one, so.. I'm not sure about this bug.

      I am gonna post in the "things not to do" topic and I will post again about this once I better understand it. As always, if anyone has any knowledge, suggestions, PLEASE let me know.
      Below is the Error notice I recieved.



      CIVILIZATION3 caused an invalid page fault in
      module CIVILIZATION3.EXE at 0187:004903d8.
      EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=004903d8 EFLGS=00010206
      EBX=00000000 SS=018f ESP=00adf658 EBP=00000000
      ECX=00000000 DS=018f ESI=ffff7fff FS=1adf
      EDX=0189c864 ES=018f EDI=00000058 GS=0000
      Bytes at CS:EIP:
      8b 01 ff 50 4c 84 c0 75 2e 85 db 75 42 85 ed 74
      Stack dump:
      006335b0 fffffffe fffffffe 00000058 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 006136d0 00498800 fffffffe 00000058 00000000 00000000


      • #4
        Alright, so after some testing this is what the problem was.

        First, I could load the game so I saved it immediately. Then I tried loading the saved game (on a hunch) and it worked fine it didn't crash if I went to the edges, even though it would under the same conditions but without reloading the game as a saved game.

        So, I then used the Civ3 multi tool to un-"flat" the map and that seemed to solve the problem.

        So, I guess the problem was trying to use a flat map in Civ 3.

        I don't know if anyone else has had a similar problem.



        • #5
          Currently the only way to make a flat map in civ3 (besides using the multi-tool) is to place mountains and water in a certain way at the end of the map.

          I hope that Firaxis will add this feature later on.
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