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  • Fundamentalsim

    Does anybdy actually know why Fundamentalsim didn't make it into Civ3?

    There's a note in the manual saying something like "oh yeah, government based on religious fanaticism is no longer possible". Erm, yeah, but why? I would have expected a note about how Fundamentalism was unfair because you could raise so much cash and support so many units, etc. Nope. Could it just be omitted because it is now seen as an extremely bad thing by some countries in the western world? (I'm pretty sure nobody needs me to remind why).

    But Fundamentalist governments exist today still, and have done throughout history.

    IMHO there should be more governments, to more acurately reflect RL, although I do admit in game terms it'd be stupid to have too many.

    Maybe Firaxis thought they were protecting the young minds by not showing Fundamentalism as a feasible source of government? After all they don't want to be seen as using pro-Fundamentalist propaganda or something...

    And if it was removed because of it's financial advantages (tithes) then surely something could have been done to lessen it? Or another handicap similar to the science-halvening?

    -Sir T

  • #2
    Fundamentalism was unballancing.
    Then again, the AI tended to commit suicide when under communism in earlier builds of Civ3.

    Anyway, you can use the editor to add fundamentalism back in if you like. Just make sure it is ballanced, also edit some civs so that fundamentalism is the perferred gov of some civs and the shunned gov of others.
    - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
    - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
    - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


    • #3

      That was the actual point of the message, which I left out because I kinda went into a rant. We're gonna stick Fundamentalism back in. Just looking for opinions on what would improve, gameplay-wise, that particular governmental system. Personally, I found the sheer amount of money that could be earned ludicrous, that'd probably be omitted.

      Any other ideas?
      -Sir T

