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bugs ????

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  • bugs ????

    just started plying a game after months of ignoring it. I have two problems. One, the shield bonus from cutting down trees does not sem to apply when building a wonder. Is that a bug or part of the plan. Secondly, a couple of times when I conquered a city, I was unable to find 'wall' in the build list or in list of things already built. Any help will be appreciated.

  • #2
    1. It's part of the plan

    2. The AI sold it just before you captured it. This always happens, and it's annoying.
    Up the Irons!
    Rogue CivIII FAQ!
    Odysseus and the March of Time
    I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


    • #3
      thank you for the quick response. unfortunately, i have another problem, this time regarding the 1.17 patch. after seemingly successfully downloading it, when i tried to install it, the first time i got a response that i needed a different program to open it, and was directed to Stuffit from aladinsys. when i try to install it now i am told windows needs to know which prgram creeated it, and when i go on the web to find out, i am informed that this information is unknown. is this a common problem, or am i doing something totally wrong, or did i just download a corrupted file. if i have to download the patch again, i am going to destroy somehing inanimite, because this will be the fourth time downloading this f***ing patch. thank you for your help in advance.


      • #4

        "2. The AI sold it just before you captured it. This always happens, and it's annoying"


        i am unable to ever build walls with this city, and walls are not in the city inventory.


        • #5
          The latest patch is 1.29f. If you have the English language version of the game that is the patch you should get. You mentioned windows so you don't have the Mac version that is behind on patches. I know the non-English versions of Civ III aren't being supported properly by Infogrames, who are responsible for the localized patches, so you may be stuck with 1.17f.

          The 1.29f patch is self executing and not a ZIP file. If you are stuck with getting a ZIP of 1.17f though Stuffit works but its pretty limited. Try Ultimate Zip, it handle most compression formats although not always the latest version of them. It can decompress all but the latest version of RAR but there is a free download available of the RAR DLL that can replace the one that comes with Ultimate Zip which then can decompress the latest RAR files.

          You can get Ultimate Zip here:

          I am using the Beta 3 version. No problems in Windows XP so far. I did replace the RAR dll with a free version of the latest from the RAR site. You won't need to do that for Zip files though and most Rar files are still in the older format anyway.


          • #6
            Re: walls

            Originally posted by annoyed

            i am unable to ever build walls with this city, and walls are not in the city inventory.
            You can't build walls in cities after the populations reaches 7. At 7 the city has a defense that is greater than the walls add anyway. Walls are a pretty worthless improvement. They help against raging barbarians but most of the time you are better off building the improvments you need to get the city's population up to seven. Last time I built one was when I knew a rampaging horde of 20 horse barbarians were coming to a specific city.

            Don't waste your time with walls. They were important in Civ II but not in Civ III.


            • #7
              but you can up their defensive bonus in the editor
              Up the Irons!
              Rogue CivIII FAQ!
              Odysseus and the March of Time
              I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up

