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Capitol Bug?

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  • Capitol Bug?

    I don't know if this is a bug or not. Don't see anything in the game manual referring to it, but various cities will be reassigned as my "capitol" without apparent regard to anything. This has a consequent effect on "corruption" in that the cities close to the old capitol which were quite effecient, are not any longer. What's goin' on?

  • #2
    when your capitol city is captured or destroyed, the capitol jumps to the next biggest city, and you get a free palace in that city.
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    • #3
      I am currently playing a game where the capitol has shifted three times . . . to smaller cities . . . . and ALL are still there and thriving and mine. They're just not the capitols anymore according to the AI.


      • #4
        Quit building the Palace so bloody often. Its the Forbidden Palace you wanted to build.

        Its hard to think of anything else that could be causing that. No one has ever mentioned it as a bug here.


        • #5
          Got one of those (Forbidden Palace) and it's NOT in one of the (now FOUR) cities, three of which the AI has chosen for me to be my capitol.
          Could it be because I am custom naming all the cities and the AI doesn't recognize that?


          • #6
            I never bother renaming the cities. Maybe that is the problem. Try not doing it and find out.

            I will test a game and see. It may be a while.


            • #7
              No Kooch City!!!?


              • #8
                Are you using your Governor to control your building construction? Since you have to have a Palace built in order for your capitol to move, I suspect your Governors are building new ones without you knowing about it.


                • #9
                  Not the problem. No palaces in the cities renamed by AI and the Dark Palace (or whateve that small wonder is) was in another city never made a capitol.

