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Help with a scenario

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  • Help with a scenario

    A friend and I are creating our first scenario, and we have a few questions about the editor, v. 1.29

    1. I know there is a way to make maps 'flat'. what is it?

    2. When we go to edit rules we click on the tab for civilizations to make new ones. But when we clik on it, it disapears and brings us 2 citizens. what is up with that? how can i edit existing civs, or make new ones?

    3. in a few words, what must we edit to rename a unit?

    4. our scenario will start off with many cities. how do i make it without 'starting positions' with settler/worker?

    5. do i need to 'back-up' any files?

  • #2
    thanks in advance for your help.


    • #3
      One way to make a map "flat" is to make it about a dozen tiles wider than needed and put mountains along the edges of your map (thus preventing cities, and thus ships in the space of water in betwee. I know it's not flt bu it works. I found a copy of the Civ2 "Rome" map that used this and it works fine.

      To rename a unit you'll have to change the unit name in all of its files. For example you want to rename the Rider to "Heavy Cavalry" (Which I did, so I know it'll work ) you need to change the name of Rider.INI to Heavy Cavalr.INI (yes, keep the spaces) and also replace "Rider" in everyother files (but not spaces) so RiderAttack.flc becomes HeavyCavalryAttack.flc

      You can just edit in player properties that there will be no starting units.

      Editing civs is easy enough, there aren't any files to mess around with later and any name changes get carried over (i.e. Change the Germans to Celts and Celts will be an option in the unit screen as well) I don't know about the leader heads however, so far I've just been replacing a civ with the head that'll sort of work with the names etc. of my new civ (e.g. the Germans to Celts change above).

      Anyway, I'm just as new as you to all of this, my only work so far has been to copy over the Civ2 "Rome" scenario which I'm just about finished now. I haven't made a whole lot of changes, though some improvements and wonders are changed, governments are changed, units are added (but just using other Civ3 graphics; i.e. the "Barbarian" is just a 2/2/1 swordsman that replaces the warrior as the basic barbarian unit).
      You sunk my Scrableship!


      • #4
        Oh, if you are messing around with your unit files, I'd suggest just copying that whole directory somewhere.
        Good luck, I hope I was helpful.
        You sunk my Scrableship!


        • #5
          If you want to rename a unit and not change the graphics you can make a new folder with the new name and copy the INI from the old acn change it so it points to the old files by adding ..\unit name\ before the animation name.
          Was gone for two years, I'm back now.
          in a 3D world is there a difference between these: b d q p | / - \
          3D Unit tutorial
          My units: MechWalker,Rocket soldier,Hover Tank,Crawler,Hover Copter


          • #6
            thanks AJ, but exactly -how- do i customize a civ?


            • #7
              All I can think of is using the "Civilizations" tab under rules. I'm pretty sure everything you'll need will be there like what city names they use, their great leaders, their special attributes, their region (Europe, Asia, Mid East etc.), their colours, what governments they prefer and how agressive they are; plus some other stuff.
              You sunk my Scrableship!


              • #8
                when i click on that tab, it doesnt take me to the right place. it takes me to the 'edit citizens' tab. it is messed up..


                • #9
                  that does sound messed up . . . very messed up.
                  You sunk my Scrableship!


                  • #10
                    i was hoping it just a newbie mistake, but i guess i will re-install 1.29


                    • #11
                      exactly how do i install v1.21 and uninstall v1.29?

