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How do you increase the maximum number of bonus resources?

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  • How do you increase the maximum number of bonus resources?

    I think the subject says it all. There seems to be a maximum number of bonus resources. I've added bonus resources, but when I use them I only end up decreasing the number of standard bonus resources (e.g. wheat, cattle, etc). I've looked all through the rules tabs in the editor, and I can't find a way to increase this. I want more bonus resources on my map.


  • #2
    I'm not pro, but can't you just add them manually in the editor?


    • #3
      Originally posted by erikmistal
      can't you just add them manually in the editor?
      Yes, you can add bonus resources [BR] (and luxury and strategic too, I think). For example I've added Fruit, Pheasant, and a few others. The problem is there is some sort of global limit to the total number of BR's allowed on the map. So if I would otherwise have had, say, 20 cattle, by adding my own resources I will now end up with only 16 cattle on my map since some of the maximum allowable BR's have been claimed by my new resources.

      Thus I want my cake, and I want to eat it too. I want the normal distribution of cattle, wheat, and the other default BR's, and I want a similar number of my own resources as well. So far I can't find a way to do this.


      • #4
        The problem is there is some sort of global limit to the total number of BR's allowed on the map.
        I have not found that to be the case at all. I am currently playing a mod with 11 strategic, 9 luxury (this is the only one I am worried about) and 20 bonus resources for a total of 40. I think I read somewhere that in version 1.29f they fixed the resource issue as the mod is running just fine, and all those icons do a great job of hiding the grey spaghetti.


        • #5
          Originally posted by miccofl
          I have not found that to be the case at all. I am currently playing a mod with 11 strategic, 9 luxury (this is the only one I am worried about) and 20 bonus resources for a total of 40.
          Have you used Gramphos' C3MT to see how many of each resource you have? e.g. how many cattle do you have on your map?

          BTW, what images are you using for your new resources? I'm looking for nice resource images too.


          • #6
            I haven't found where C3MT does that but I assure you, the map is quite over-resourced. I use Harlan's resources they're well done and quite visable.


            • #7
              Originally posted by miccofl
              I haven't found where C3MT does that
              The latest version (0.94.1001) has a statistics button on the map tab. It used to just list water and land squares, but Gramphos added a resource tally.

              I assure you, the map is quite over-resourced.
              You've assured me that you think the map is over-resourced...

              Actually I was thinking of a scenario.

              I use Harlan's resources they're well done and quite visable.
              Can you give me a link?


              • #8
                You've assured me that you think the map is over-resourced...
                Well if Horses 21, Iron 82, Saltpeter 56, Coal 76, Oil 90, Rubber 50, Aluminum 60, Uranium 56, Wines 13, Furs 28, Dyes 14, Incense 22, Spices 21, Ivory 9, Silks 0 (ooops), Gems 34, Whales 54, Game 59, Fish 299, Cattle 37, Wheat 35, Gold 72, Tobacco 27, Salt 39, Corn 22, Offshore Oil 31, Cotton 24, Potato 13, Lumber 68, Shellfish 43, Wool 32, Fruit 35, Oasis 25, Marble 6, Sugar 8, Coffee 17, Rice 26, Opium 7, Tea 8, Olive Oil 6 on Land 6284, Water 9916 isn’t over resourced I don’t know what is! Tobacco, Salt and Lumber are strategic add-ons, Opium was to be the 9th luxury but I guess I forgot to place the silks, all of the rest are bonus resources.

                Harlan's resources are here:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by miccofl

                  Well if Horses 21, Iron 82, Saltpeter 56, Coal 76, Oil 90, Rubber 50, Aluminum 60, Uranium 56, Wines 13, [...] Olive Oil 6 on Land 6284, Water 9916 isn’t over resourced I don’t know what is!
                  Did you get this natually??? I'm not talking about limits when you make your own map. I'm making a mod, and when I load it by choosing a scenario I have the system randomly gen a map for me. When the system does this I don't get anywhere near those numbers, even on a large map (haven't done huge though).

                  (BTW, thanks for the link).


                  • #10
                    No, the new resources were added after I made the map.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by miccofl
                      No, the new resources were added after I made the map.
                      Right, so back to my original question: how do you increase the total number of randomly and automatically placed bouns resources?


                      • #12
                        You really can't. If you want a map with your resources just so, you must make it so.

