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Changing tech rate in the editor.....

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  • Changing tech rate in the editor.....

    Alright, I have a very simple question:

    Do you have to lower the tech rate in the World Sizes screen in the editor to slow down the tech race, or do you have to beef it up? I thought I had to beef it up, but that doesn't seem to have any notable effect.

  • #2
    You do have to increase it. If you're making adjustments to an existing game, you won't notice any difference since that information is always contained in the save. You have to start a new game for the changes to take effect.


    • #3
      I know that you have to start a new game, but even if I do there doesn't seem to be any difference. I think it's the techwhoring among the AI civs that causes the tech race to be so quick. Anyway, I'll just beef up the tech rate some more and lower the AI exchange rate. Anyway, thanks for the advice !


      • #4
        You could always increase the minumum number of turns to discover a tech and increasing the maximum number as well might make a difference.
        Avoid COLONY RUSH on Galactic Civlizations II (both DL & DA) with my Slow Start Mod.
        Finding Civ 4: Colonization too easy? Try my Ten Colonies challenge.


        • #5
          Additional hint: When you aren't sure what the values in the editor mean, check the editor help, there are some examples and explanations.

