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Added bonus resources decreases probability of other bonus resources

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  • Added bonus resources decreases probability of other bonus resources

    I've added about six or seven bonus resources (just make the squares more productive). For example I added Fruit which can add food to forest squares, and I added Medicines to jungle squares, etc, etc. So far everything seems to look ok. I see the icons on the map, they're in the proper terrains, and when cities have them in their radius the bonus are correctly presented.

    However I examined one of my .SAV's with Gramphos' new version of C3MT (the one that gives you resource statistices), and I noticed that my other bonus resources are very low in number now. For example, on a large map without my added resources I might see something like 25 to 30 cattle, and similar numbers of wheat, and so on. However in the versions (also a large map) with my resource mod, there are only something like 5-10 cattle, wheat, and so on.

    Is there some global maximum for the number of (bonus or other) resources on a map so that my new resources are preventing more normal numbers of the original bonus resources? If so is this changeable? Is there any way to get more resources overall?

    Or is it possible that Gramphos' utility is miscounting the resources (maybe I added them wrong or something)?

    Has anyone seen anything similar? Suggestions? Comments?

  • #2
    I've noticed the same thing, and I don't see how there's anything you can do about it. It looks like there's a maximum as to how many resources can be on the map, at least for bonus resources at any rate. I suspect that having more strategic etc. will also reduce the number of bonuses, though I can't be positve.

