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Sceen jumps around centering on different units during my turn

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  • Sceen jumps around centering on different units during my turn

    I think I've noticed a similar "problem" (it might be a feature...) with Civ2, but I'm not sure. The problem is I'll be happily moving my units around (usually I've Waited a few units), and all of a sudden my screen will go kind of crazy. The screen will jump to (i.e. center on) a unit, and I'll be reaching to press a key to move it, and the screen will rapidly jump to about 30 or 40 different units (I think they're always workers, but I'm not sure about that). I can't do anything but watch. The craziness is usually over in about 15 seconds after the screen has centered on, as I said, tens of units. Sometimes the units move, and I understand that this is an automated worker, but usually the units don't move. The screen is just jumping around. By the time I get control back I have no idea which units have moved, and which have not. This problem is not automated workers since, as I say, most of them (sometimes all) don't move at all during the craziness.

    Can anyone explain what's going on here, and how I can stop it? It's very annoying especially to a movement-perfectionist such as myself.

    A second, related, question is how do you stop automated workers? I have intentionally automated workers maybe once in my current game, and yet I frequently see them going off on their own (usually stupid) missions. I first suspected that I was just accidentally hitting an automation hot-key, but it seems to happen to me too often. Is there a bug which forces units into automation? Are the workers just getting fed up with my own orders and doing things the way they want to? How can I de-automate a worker, and how can I tell in advance which workers are automated?

    BTW, usually these problems don't occur until I have hundreds of units, so finding these wayward units gets to be very difficult.

    Thanks for any suggestions anyone has.

  • #2
    Thjere might be workers making their part of the work for this turnm.

    i.e. When the turn ereaches a worker clearing a forest his unused movment points will be used to clear the forest. During that process the workes is in focus.

    I think you are right in that it's frustratingsometimes, and there should be, at least, an option to not focus on workers working.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gramphos
      When the turn ereaches a worker clearing a forest his unused movment points will be used to clear the forest. During that process the workes is in focus.
      Hmmm. I'd thought that all of my workers had completed all of their tasks in one turn, but now I'm wonder if that thought was correct.

      Your reason sounds familiar too. I think I'd come to that conclusion earlier, and then forgotten that conclusion because I was so frustrated at this last focusing-hop-scotch incident.

      What about ways to stop and/or recognize automated workers?

      Thanks (again) for the answer.


      • #4
        You can stop automated workers just by selecting them with the mouse. If they have used their moves, which would be the case if it was after the screen jumping you mention, then you will have the opportunity to give orders next turn. If they haven't moved you can give them new orders. Its best to issue the orders before it gets to the workers turn to move if you want to do it NOW. The workers will mostly all move in sequence so you need to think about stopping them before they start.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ethelred
          You can stop automated workers just by selecting them with the mouse. If they have used their moves, which would be the case if it was after the screen jumping you mention, then you will have the opportunity to give orders next turn. If they haven't moved you can give them new orders. Its best to issue the orders before it gets to the workers turn to move if you want to do it NOW. The workers will mostly all move in sequence so you need to think about stopping them before they start.
          Right, that's how I've been doing it, but I was looking for a better, more global way. Sounds like no such way exists (other than manually visiting the automated units). My problem (being the absent-minded sole that I am) is that by the time the next turn comes around I've forgotten to go directly to the automated units. Then they do their automated stuff again, reminding me to try to remember. I've even written notes to myself ([COLOR=dark red]de-automate workers by Boston![/COLOR]), only to have the still-automated workers remind me that I wrote myself a note...

          It's not a complete loss, I usually finally remember after losing about three or four turns to automation. Better than nothing.


          • #6
            I havn't played with the new patch yet but I seem to remember a new command to wake or fortify all units of a single type. That might do the trick.

