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Unit proposal: ICCM (InterContinental Conventional Missile)

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  • Unit proposal: ICCM (InterContinental Conventional Missile)

    In CivIII you get a short range nuke with Rocketry, and the ICBM only comes with the Satellites advance. What I would like to propose is an Intercontinental Conventional Missile (ICCM), also available with Satellites. This would basically be a Cruise Missile that costs twice as much to build, but has the Infinite Bombard Range ability, meaning that it can be launched to any point on the map. This would be useful for bombarding targets in places that are outside your territory and are too far from the ocean for Carrier-based Bomber strikes, or when you just can't afford to wait for your Artillery to catch up with your front lines.
    Those who live by the sword...get shot by those who live by the gun.

  • #2
    IRL, there really is no such thing as an ICCM because the cost to build and maintain the Intercontinental missile would be too great to show the rewards. The way Civ III has the artillery and missiles in the game works well I think because it forces you to build a submarine to support forces with missiles inside of them.


