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  • Disposed?

    is there someway i can reduce the chance a conquered city dispose back to it's original country, i hate that, every unit i put in that city will be gone.

  • #2
    make sure you have lots of culture. Some player have settlers following their army around so theyw ll raze the captured city, the replace it with their own.


    • #3
      Do a search for a thread called "Culture Flipping Exposed". It was posted by Dan Magaha from Firaxis explaining how it works. There's all kinds of other threads around that discuss this ad nauseum as well. The bottom line to avoiding it however is proper planning before you take a city.


      • #4
        There's a simple solution.

        I think someone form Firaxis said that generally, one military unit prevents one citizen from rebelling. And I believe that since then they added a change in one of the patches so that a large enough number of units always prevents a city from rebelling. So I think we can deduce that if you keep one military unit in the city for each resident, it will never rebel.

        I said it was simple. I didn't say it was easy!

        (By the way, I think the word you are looking for is "depose", not "dispose". )
        "God is dead." - Nietzsche
        "Nietzsche is dead." - God


        • #5
          Originally posted by JohnM2433
          There's a simple solution.

          I think someone form Firaxis said that generally, one military unit prevents one citizen from rebelling. And I believe that since then they added a change in one of the patches so that a large enough number of units always prevents a city from rebelling. So I think we can deduce that if you keep one military unit in the city for each resident, it will never rebel.

          I said it was simple. I didn't say it was easy!

          (By the way, I think the word you are looking for is "depose", not "dispose". )
          Sorry but you're wrong there. Soren, the programmer dealing with this issue, mentioned two units per citizen, but that's not exactly a sure fire method. It also depends on the variables in the above thread posted by Dan. There have been reports of people having 3 or 4 units to 1 citizen, and still having it flip. Maybe they're exaggerating, but it's definitely more than a 1:1 ratio.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Willem
            Sorry but you're wrong there. Soren, the programmer dealing with this issue, mentioned two units per citizen, but that's not exactly a sure fire method. It also depends on the variables in the above thread posted by Dan. There have been reports of people having 3 or 4 units to 1 citizen, and still having it flip. Maybe they're exaggerating, but it's definitely more than a 1:1 ratio.
            Huh, and I could have sworn he (or maybe someone else) said just one.

            Important question: What patch(es) was/were the above-mentioned games running on?
            "God is dead." - Nietzsche
            "Nietzsche is dead." - God

