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MAP: Huge East Europe map (Operation Barbarossa map)

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  • MAP: Huge East Europe map (Operation Barbarossa map)

    Here it is finally. Drawn over two weeks.

    This map represents East Europe and will be the final map for my Operation Barbarossa scenario which has hit snags along the way (cant create decent units, no proper flat map option and so on ).

    A few notes on the map.

    The Carthapian (sp) mountains in Romania are a bit wierd but I did this to sqeeze in Romania for my campaign. Also the Volga river has been made using the coast terrain as it will play an important role in my scenario.

    Also Poland's terrain is a tad bit compressed once again to try and sqeeze Berlin onto the map. Things missing include resources and player start locations.


    P.S I dont have a clue how to attach a screenshot so I do apologize in advance

  • #2
    Doh'.....heres the file!
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Use the CMT to make the map flat! I've done it for both my Civil War scenario and my Pacific Theater one, and have confirmed that it works. So do it I say!


      • #4
        I have tried flat mapping it but nothing works.

        Heres what I have tried (using the latest download of CMT)

        Created a new map, flat mapped it.

        Ran the map and when the "current area" box hits the edge of map it crashes. The "current area" box is that little box in the minimap that shows which area you are currently viewing on the map.


        If I start the same map, save and "show map" it does not crash but the units can still go all the way around without restriction. Either way I don't want to force people to start, save and then play a scenario....I thought the 1.29 patch would eliminate such things.

        Am I doind something wrong????

        In addition, I have tried checking and unchecking the "bic compression". I just don't know what it is about flat maps and my copy of Civ 3.

        If I can get some feedback on exactly what you are doing I can try replicating it.


        • #5
          Firaxis? Are you hearing this bloke? He and fifty odd other scenario makers (including me ) need a proper 'flat map' option!
          "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (Stephen King)


          • #6
            Re: MAP: Huge East Europe map (Operation Barbarossa map)

            Originally posted by InquisitorSteel
            Also the Volga river has been made using the coast terrain as it will play an important role in my scenario.

            Also Poland's terrain is a tad bit compressed once again to try and sqeeze Berlin onto the map...
            BTW - Well I notice those 2 things, but its still a great map. Wouldn't be right without Berlin-the Russians need a ultimate goal.
            "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (Stephen King)


            • #7
              Thanks for the feedback NeoStar.

              If only Firaxis would implement the flat map option into the editor. I assume the only reason they have not done this is because the have hard-coded the AI into treating all maps as round. Thus this would explain why the flag is in the BIC but it is not in the editor.

              In addition, lets say Firaxis gave us flat maps in the next patch or would still be difficult for people to make scenario's such as World War II battles as there is no objectives like in Civ II.

              Whilst I don't wont or like to sound like hundreds of other threads that are labelled "Civ2 is better becuase...", Firaxis really needs to have a strong think about scenario tool additions rather than additions for hundreds of users screaming about AI toughness and corruption.

              Seriously, some of the additions in the last few patches have been included to stop people loosing so easily to the AI and not having to think about modifying things directly in the editor. The only major things scenario wise to be included in the editor have been the minimap, units and city placement.....thats really it. Everything other "scenario" addition is either so small to notice or rarely used.

              Ok, now that I have gone "a bit off my block" I will shut up and take the medication my doctor provided

