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To Those Making a WWII Scenario:

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  • To Those Making a WWII Scenario:

    I would just like to make a request that the scenario start in 1936, before things get rumbling so that there are a greater number of possibilities for what can happen, i.e. the Spanish Civil War, Austria, Sudetenland, Czechslovakia, etc. Just keep an open mind.

  • #2
    Good point! But I would go even earlier - The Washington Naval Agreement of 1922 had a massive effect on the early war due to some nations not sticking to the treaty. 1920 would perhaps be a better starting date as it gives time to build forces and break/make treaties before the main conflict begins.


    • #3
      Originally posted by miccofl
      Good point! But I would go even earlier - The Washington Naval Agreement of 1922 had a massive effect on the early war due to some nations not sticking to the treaty. 1920 would perhaps be a better starting date as it gives time to build forces and break/make treaties before the main conflict begins.
      If you go that far back, I'm not sure World War II could ever happen.
      That would be an interesting idea though for a "mid 20th century diplomacy/military scenario", in case someone wanted to look into that possibility.


      • #4
        So then you weren't thinking of a multi-player mod then. If not I would have to agree with you, the AI would need a mighty long set of instructions to pull that one off. But it would be doable for a mod written for mostly human players.


        • #5
          My Entire world map WW2 scenario is designed for on-line play. I'll try to make a version for single player version later.

          I'd love it if people made large scale treatys, like people forcing Germany not to create naval units before the war! That'll force them to create sub fleets!

          I'll edit the techs to take longer to research too!
          Help negate the vegiterian movement!
          For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


          • #6
            Great minds think alike. nice avatar, by the way.


            • #7
              1929 might be a good start date, since the depression was a big thing leading up to war ten years later. However, I don't know how you'll simulate an economic depression where you have no food surplus, little or no income, decreased shield income and unhapiness. Only way I see it is to have something that causes -1 food, shield and commerce in an squares producing two or more. But what would do this? And how would you end it? Too bad there aren't any scripts.
              You sunk my Scrableship!

