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Edotir and random Seed

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  • Edotir and random Seed

    I have been trying to play a scenario game constructed with the editor with the random seed preserved. I have followed the instructions exactly I think but random seed is not preserved. When I start the game, the preserve random seed box is checked but it plays like the original version.

    Has anyone managed to create a scenario with random seed preserved and if so, how?

  • #2
    Sorry for the typo in the heading.


    • #3
      What does the random seed option actually do? I have also played with it checked and havent noticed a differance, but i dont actually know what im looking for.


      • #4
        In the original game there was some kind of system that was not truely random in determining random outcomes such as combat, enering huts and culture flipping. If you replayed a turn without changing anyhting, everything was exactly the same even down to the order in which two units in combat took hits.

        One of the mods introduced "preserve random seed" in the startup which when checked, meant events were really random, so if you replayed a turn the outcomes were different.

        In the editor, there is instructions on how to preserve random seed in an ediitor created scenario. However, I have followed those intructions and the scenario plays like the original game even though at startup the preserve random seed box is checked.

        My question was whether anyone had created a game with the editor and managed to preserve random seed and if so, how?


        • #5
          I'm pretty sure you have it reversed. With Preserve Random Seed on, when you reload a saved game and do things in the same order, you will get the exact same results because the random seed has been preserved. You need to turn it off if you want behavior to change after reloading.


          • #6
            Physco Billy might be right. When my game crashed I re-loaded and had a different outcome. I was also playing a scenario I made and I don't remember doing anything with random seeds.
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            • #7
              That solved the problem. When I tried it with random seed un-ticked, I must have forgot to save it so when I exited the editor, it reverted back.

