New ww2 mod which i hope can be of interest for you, its beta yet but still nice...
You have to start up from scratch due to the bad civ3 editor choices but it will come new versions which i will post here.
Feel free to just play it with the new nice civilizations such as Spain , sweden finland turkey and so on
- Real leaderfaces for most relevant nations such as Stalin (soviet), Hitler (Deutschland), Roosevelt (US), Churchill (UK), Per albin (Sweden), C.G.E Mannerheim (Finland), Benito Mossulini (Italy), Hirohito (Japan) Franco (spain) and so on.
Fixed all nation correct info.
- Edited the tech tree
( - New units are coming up soon, "next beta release" )
- Added Facism gov.
And alot more smaller or bigger editions...
How to install:
unzip this zip file in your CIV3 folder.
it contains the www2style.bic file which will be placed in the scenario directory and the leaderfaces which wont replace any actual leaderface name so its just to unzip and run the ww2style.bic as scenario in the game and it will work just fine !
Also when meeting Germany i recived a bug... it might have been just on my computer... so if you excperience same bug play as Germany and it will be just fine or skip them if you recive that error and just want to play with other nation.
As said its very beta but i still decided to release it.
I am aware of minor bugs of leaderfaces and civ.pedia results.
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You have to start up from scratch due to the bad civ3 editor choices but it will come new versions which i will post here.
Feel free to just play it with the new nice civilizations such as Spain , sweden finland turkey and so on
- Real leaderfaces for most relevant nations such as Stalin (soviet), Hitler (Deutschland), Roosevelt (US), Churchill (UK), Per albin (Sweden), C.G.E Mannerheim (Finland), Benito Mossulini (Italy), Hirohito (Japan) Franco (spain) and so on.
Fixed all nation correct info.
- Edited the tech tree
( - New units are coming up soon, "next beta release" )
- Added Facism gov.
And alot more smaller or bigger editions...
How to install:
unzip this zip file in your CIV3 folder.
it contains the www2style.bic file which will be placed in the scenario directory and the leaderfaces which wont replace any actual leaderface name so its just to unzip and run the ww2style.bic as scenario in the game and it will work just fine !
Also when meeting Germany i recived a bug... it might have been just on my computer... so if you excperience same bug play as Germany and it will be just fine or skip them if you recive that error and just want to play with other nation.
As said its very beta but i still decided to release it.
I am aware of minor bugs of leaderfaces and civ.pedia results.
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