I originally posted this in the Help forum, but was told that I would get better attention if I posted it here instead.
Any ideas?
Ive gone about downloading several resource.pcx files and picking and choosing the icons I like best to put onto my own, custom file. It works great until I build a road to a wine luxury, then it either crashes immediately, or after i zoom to the city (only once has it done the former, but several times the latter). Ive heard that adding extra luxuries (more than the original 8) can cause problems. Ive made sure I have only 8, but some are different. could this have something to do with it? The icon for the wines luxury is different than the one that came with the game. I was thinking it might have something to do with the city screen icon for wines. It seems to be the only problem so far, Ive gotten incense and several strategic resources and it was fine. I moved the icons around on the original resource.pcx, so some of them are in different places on the magenta grid, like wines, for example. Could this also be a problem?