Tell me what I'm missing here. (By the way, I'm an experienced player of all three Civ games, so this isn't a rookie mistake, I hope.)
I had a walled city (yes, I could actually see the wall) with TWO FORTIFIED regular Spearman (1/2/1) defending it. It was attacked by two warriors (1/1/1) which were both admittedly verterans. I cannot understand the math that each warrior attack defeated each of my spearman all in the same turn and the warriors took only 2 hp damage each. Based on my rough math each mini-round of combat gave them a 20% chance of success (2 defense, +1 for wall, +1 for fortified) versus 1 attack= 1/5 chance!?!
Well you say, this is just the chance of combat, they got lucky right?
I reluctantly accepted this until several turns later, another warrior walked all over another walled-city-defending spearman, exact same situation. Question- If I take the time to build walls and defend a city with spearman against warriors and this fails, what reliable defense is there in the early game? Unless someone can explain this I have to believe there is a combat balance bug.
I would love for someone to step forward and show me the flaw in my statistics or game mechanics. Help, I'm afraid to start another game until I know its FAIR!
I had a walled city (yes, I could actually see the wall) with TWO FORTIFIED regular Spearman (1/2/1) defending it. It was attacked by two warriors (1/1/1) which were both admittedly verterans. I cannot understand the math that each warrior attack defeated each of my spearman all in the same turn and the warriors took only 2 hp damage each. Based on my rough math each mini-round of combat gave them a 20% chance of success (2 defense, +1 for wall, +1 for fortified) versus 1 attack= 1/5 chance!?!
Well you say, this is just the chance of combat, they got lucky right?
I reluctantly accepted this until several turns later, another warrior walked all over another walled-city-defending spearman, exact same situation. Question- If I take the time to build walls and defend a city with spearman against warriors and this fails, what reliable defense is there in the early game? Unless someone can explain this I have to believe there is a combat balance bug.
I would love for someone to step forward and show me the flaw in my statistics or game mechanics. Help, I'm afraid to start another game until I know its FAIR!