Ok so I am using the latest Civ3 editor to edit a scenario. However, when playing the game I cannot get the civ to transition through the ages -- as in, I'm into the Middle Ages tech, and have not gotten the "new era" message, my cities stay in Ancient [no Modern Metropolis graphic
] . I have tried setting the Eras tab in the rules editor to Modern age ... first off, it kept resetting itself back for no seeable reason. Once I finally got it to stick -- it makes no difference.
Strangely, the female half of my populace graphic transition. So I've got Ancient males mated with Medival females. Yes, kind of funny ...but... "odd'. My Science advisor guy transitions. Kept waiting and waiting for the cities to kick in ...but, no.
Anything I may simply be missing setting?
Help me help me?

Strangely, the female half of my populace graphic transition. So I've got Ancient males mated with Medival females. Yes, kind of funny ...but... "odd'. My Science advisor guy transitions. Kept waiting and waiting for the cities to kick in ...but, no.
Anything I may simply be missing setting?
Help me help me?