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Early bug fix details

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  • Early bug fix details


    I have done some searching but failed to find a listing of all the additional features and bug fixes from the first patch onwards. I have got the 1.21f details but none from the mists of time.

    Can anyone point me the the right direction?

  • #2
    It's all in the README for patch 1.21. But since you may want to know before downloading, i'll post it here:

    Additions v1.17f:
    * Added Sentry command: y = wake whenever next to friendly or enemy unit(s) / shift+y = wake whenever next to enemy unit(s).
    * Added stack movement. Hitting 'j' will produce the goto cursor. Once you select a destination, every unit of the active unit's type in that square will move to the specified location. Air units of the same type will attempt to rebase.
    * The procedure for checking if the CD is in the drive has been changed to search all possible CD drives on a machine instead of simply the drive they installed the game from.
    * There are now two types of "Improve Nearest City" commands. shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City. ctrl+shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City Without Altering Improvements.
    * Editor: Added Undo/Redo functionality.
    * Editor: Improved river placement and deletion interface.
    * Added Civilopedia links and cursor to diplomacy window.
    * Added "Show Wonder Initiation" preference.
    * Added "Turns to Expansion" readout to culture meter on City Display.

    Changes v1.17f:
    * City population drop shadows are now a pref and default to off.
    * Scrollbar in Domestic advisor lengthened to make use of previously unused line.
    * Civ-specific units are now part of the regular upgrade chain.
    * Mobile units now have to make a die roll to determine if they withdraw. Success is also modified by their experience level.
    * Workers on AI Automation (A/Shift+A) will now sleep in a city when there are no more actions to take. They will automatically awake when something needs to be done (such as clean pollution).
    * Improved unit activation sequence.
    * Expanded size of production popup drop list.
    * Added mention of Wonder and improvement culture contributions doubling after 1000 years to Culture Civilopedia entry.
    * It is now possible to completely suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units.
    * Reworded luxury resource impact of marketplace and gold contribution in Marketplace Civilopedia entry.
    * Armies now have the zone of control and blitz ability.
    * Coastal Fortress maintenance reduced to 0.
    * Great Lighthouse cost decreased to 300.
    * Forbidden Palace cost decreased to 200.
    * Wall Street cost decreased to 300.
    * Game bonus resource now gives +2 food to its tile.
    * Oil and Aluminum not longer appear in Plains.
    * Aluminum now appears in Tundra.
    * Unhappiness from population rushing production increased to 40 turns.
    * Building and citizen defense against bombardment increased to 16.
    * Military Tradition advance now costs 68.
    * Rocketry advance now costs 240.
    * Fission advance now costs 280.
    * Computing advance now costs 260.
    * Space Flight advance now costs 300.
    * Nuclear Power advance now costs 280.
    * Superconductor advance now costs 300.
    * Miniaturization advance now costs 320.
    * Synthetic Fibers advance now costs 280.
    * Satellites advance now costs 260.
    * Laser advance now costs 280.
    * Genetics advance now costs 320.
    * Stealth advance now costs 300.
    * Smart Weapons advance now costs 280.
    * Robotics advance now costs 320.
    * Integrated Defense now costs 360.
    * The AI no longer trades during the players turn.

    Fixes v1.17f:
    * Fixed bug which allowed the user to continue espionage even after the spy is killed.
    * Fixed bug which prevented cruise missiles from targeting units with only 1 hit point.
    * Fixed bug which miscalculated average scores (esp. for future techs).
    * Fixed bug involving explorers and rail movement.
    * Fixed a number of bugs involving recon missions.
    * Fixed bug which let coastal fortresses hit submarines.
    * Editor: You can no longer select Bonus Resources as a prerequisite resource.
    * Eliminated 'Despot Pop Rushing'.
    * Fixed pop-up bug involving citizen unhappiness on City Display.
    * Fixed bug which did not destroy an enemy spaceship if the enemy capital was razed.
    * Fixed bug which allowed the AI to keep trying to build cities if the city limit had been reached.
    * Fixed bug which allowed infinite bombardment/precision bombing range.
    * Fixed AI worker loop bug.
    * Fixed missing-city-line bug in domestic window.
    * Fixed AI disband unit bug.
    * Fixed City Display bugs involving selling improvements and drafting citizens.
    * Fixed bugs involving unit ordering.
    * Fixed crash bug involving the civil disorder pop-up.
    * Fixed bug with the cleanup pollution order.
    * Fixed Flood Plain Civilopedia entry to correctly state increased food.
    * Fixed Fortress Civilopedia entry to correctly state +50% defensive bonus.
    * Fixed misspellings in Communism Civilopedia entry.
    * Fixed AI bug giving value to worthless techs.
    * Fixed bug with how capital/spy/embassy icons were being drawn for foreign cities.
    * Optimized pathfinding for human player to prevent 10-second waits for various orders on huge maps.
    * Fixed bug which sometimes caused depletion of resources so that there would be < 1 per civ.
    * Fixed bug which sometimes caused you to not get any techs from Theory of Evolution.
    * Fixed Communism Civilopedia entry to reflect the correct draft rate of 2.
    * Fixed typo in Coast Civilopedia entry.
    * Optimized save and scenario for speed increase.
    * Build Railroad bubble text now lists the hotkey (Shift-R).
    * Fixed bug which caused some government buildings not to function correctly.
    * Fixed bug which allowed civs with no capitals.
    * Spaceship parts pop-ups now only appear if you have a spy with the corresponding civ.
    * "beginning wonder" pop-ups now only appear if you have an embassy or spy with the corresponding civ.
    * Fixed infinite city growth exploit (involving granaries and size 6 cities).
    * Corrected graphic display corruption on horizontal scroll bars.
    * The correct scroll bar now always appears in production popup.
    * Fixed spelling of Archimedes in Physics Civilopedia entry.
    * Fixed title of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" in the Theory of Evolution Civilopedia entry.
    * Fixed typo in Jet Fighter Civilopedia entry.
    * Fixed typos in Modern Armor Civilopedia entry.

    Additions v1.16f:
    * We've added an ini file setting, Refresh. To use, open the civilization3.ini and add 'Refresh=60'. You can try higher frequencies, but 60 is good starting location. If it can't set the frequency, it will default to what Windows believes it should be. If you are not having monitor or frequency problems, do not use this ini setting.
    * Players now receive a message when a wonder is made obsolete.
    * There is now a text prompt on using the production queue in the City Display screen.
    * Editor: Added Barbarian Combat Bonus to difficulty level tab.
    * Editor: Added Cost Factor to difficulty level tab.
    * Editor: Added AI unit support bonus to difficulty level tab.
    * Editor: Added AI bonus starting units to difficulty level tab.
    * Editor: Added AI max. govt. transition time to difficulty level tab.
    * Editor: Added corruption modifier to difficulty level tab.
    * Editor: Added a number of armies requirement for Improvements and Wonders.
    * Editor: Added a small wonder ability checkbox for "Requires a Victorious Army" for Improvements and Wonders.
    * Editor: On General Settings, added Border Factor which controls border expansion.
    * Editor: On General Settings, added Future Tech Cost.
    * Editor: On General Settings, added Min. Tech Turns.
    * Editor: On General Settings, added Max. Tech Turns.
    * Editor: On General Settings, added Golden Age Duration.
    * Editor: Added mission cost to Diplomats and Spies page.
    * Added "Color Blind Help" pref (gives the name of the civ in the city title box).
    * Added "Ask for Build Orders after Unit Construction" pref (asks for build orders after every unit construction in all cities).
    * Added "Always Start Building Previously Built Unit" pref (cities always start building the last built unit).
    * Added "Show Civil Disorder Pop-Up" pref (displays a pop-up whenever a city descends into civil disorder).
    * Added "Culturally Linked Starting Locations" (civs are placed on maps in close proximity to other civs of the same culture; please note that not using this pref can lead to sub-optimal arrangements of civ colors).
    * Added "Show Our Manual/Our Automatic/Enemy/Friend Moves" preferences.

    Changes v1.16f:
    * The cost of building a Palace is now based on the number of cities in your civilization.
    * The Sun Icon on the Info Box represents the amount of global warming affecting the game. If the sun does not display, there is insufficient global warming to affect the terrain. Once the sun displays, the brighter it is, the greater the impact of global warming.
    * It's slightly easier to culturally acquire cities.
    * Forests planted on tundra always display as pine.
    * Irrigation sorts slightly differently.
    * Goody hut console popup display times increased.
    * Relationship lines are no longer displayed on the Foreign Advisor unless the player has contact with both civilizations.
    * Corruption effects have been reduced.
    * Cultural priority of AI has been reduced.
    * Submarine and Nuclear Submarine now have an offense value of 8.
    * Paratroops now have a range of 6.
    * Privateer now has an offense value of 2.
    * Corruption calculations for Communism are now flat for the number-of-cities factor.
    * Borders now draw over forest and jungle.
    * Shield bonus from clearing forest can only be received once per game.
    * Palaces and spaceship parts can only be built in one city at a time.
    * Improved City Governor Performance.
    * The maximum number of cities permitted in a game is 512, increased from 256.
    * Added information about healing units to Barracks Civilopedia entry.
    * Clarified that railroads increase output of mines and irrigation in Civilopedia entry.
    * Added hyperlink to Ocean in Caravel Civilopedia entry.
    * The maximum number of turns it can take to research an advance has been increased from 32 to 40.
    * Editor: Removed unused Description field from Improvements and Wonders.
    * Police Stations now reduce corruption in the city they are built in.
    * Editor: On General Settings, renamed Border Expansion Multiplier to Lvl. Multiplier.
    * Capturing a population 1 city that has no culture will automatically raze it.

    Fixes v1.16f:
    * Fixed scroll problem on some Nvidia graphics cards.
    * Invalid link in Build Colony Civilopedia entry fixed.
    * Cropped French Civilopedia entry fixed.
    * Typo in German Civilopedia entry fixed.
    * Typo in Japanese Civilopedia entry fixed.
    * Typo in Indian Civilopedia entry fixed.
    * The correct city now highlights on the Domestic and Cultural advisor screens when scroll bar displays.
    * Precision Bombing now works as intended.
    * Sorting columns on the Domestic advisor screen now stay sorted.
    * Traded advances that cause an era transition, now allows the player to select the advance to research in the new era.
    * The five states an AI can be in on the Diplomacy screen, can now be seen on the mouse over advisor messages on the Foreign advisor.
    * The problem of not being able to build 'Wealth' in some cities has been fixed.
    * Messages about resources discovered that the player doesn't have the advance to use no longer display.
    * Incorrect popup concerning placing new embassies with civilizations you're at war with no longer displays.
    * Occasional instances of selected units not stay centered fixed.
    * Synthetic Fibers now has the correct prerequisite advance, Ecology.
    * The Great Lighthouse no longer permits Galleys to travel on Ocean tiles.
    * The AI no longer reacts to submarines that it cannot see.
    * Multi-cultural cities no longer occasionally produce barbarian settlers or workers.
    * Minimap now updates when interface is hidden.
    * Units no longer occasionally disappear at the poles.
    * 'Combo' boxes now are set to the maximum size needed.
    * Long advance names no longer overrun the Info Box when in Golden Age.
    * Correct cities highlight on Domestic and Cultural advisor when a scroll bar displays.
    * There is no longer a punctuation error in disembark popup.
    * There is no longer a spacing error on the right-click flyout for upgrading units.
    * Bubble-text on the replay screen now correctly clears itself.
    * The last line in the Event View of the replay screen is now fully visible.
    * You can now see a cities population on the City Title bar regardless of team color or state.
    * The correct plural and singular forms of civilization names are now used on the Wonder screen.
    * Selecting a 'grayed out' option in the Diplomacy screen no longer clears the Foreign Advisor's advice.
    * Correctly small graphic corruption on Domestic Advisor popups.
    * Right-Click flyout menus no longer display if you use a function key to open an advisor screen.
    * The spaceship components in the Civilopedia now correctly link to the Victory Conditions entry.
    * You can no longer unload air units from a carrier. You need to execute a rebase mission.
    * You can no longer demand very large amounts of gold in diplomacy.
    * There is correct punctuation at the end of the defeat popup.
    * Modified advance trees now load correctly.
    * Fixed AI exploit with regards to giving cities away in diplomacy.
    * Air superiority missions work as intended.
    * Quick Start will now use the number of civs selected in the previously generated game.
    * Retiring from a Conquest only game no longer is recorded as a victory.
    * Fixed AI problem with resources on custom maps.
    * Team color on horseman unit correctly displays.
    * French Musketeer fortify animation now plays.
    * Governors no longer build privateers when set to build no units.
    * Fixed AI bug allowing the user to infinitely postpone invasions by shuffling units around.
    * Hall of Fame screen now correctly lists the difficulty levels.
    * Games that don't save due to low hard drive space now displays an error message.
    * A save corruption problem was fixed.
    * The helicopter Civilopedia entry now correctly states it can only transport one unit.
    * Corrected punctuation error in Jet Fighter Civilopedia entry.
    * Corrected punctuation error in Longbowman Civilopedia entry.
    * Corrected Marine strategic resource requirements in Civilopedia entry.
    * Corrected Modern Armor strategic resource requirements in Civilopedia entry.
    * Correct punctuation problem in Tactical Nuke Civilopedia entry.
    * Fixed fatal related to tiles on the edge of the map.
    * Once the UN is completed, you are no longer prompted to vote every turn.
    * Fixed punctuation error on New Era popup.
    * Fixed typo in diplomacy demands.
    * You no longer declare war by accidentally passing over a hidden submarine.
    * Fixed infinite loop with automation.


    • #3
      Is that why is called a readme?

      Oh my God bury my head in shame


      Ol' Nic


      • #4

        Don't worry... could have happened to anyone.

