Carthage & the Kolchis have the best land? It must be awesome, considering how good Gaul & Iberia are looking (and Italia is beautiful too). Personally, I love what I see in central & southern Gaul.
No worries, because I'll utilize the land I have far, far better than the AI will. The AI is still using the super-wide Conquests city spacing, which is bad enough in stock conditions, but is very bad in TAM, with the city size caps lowered to 4 and 8 from 6 and 12. I will utilize most of the tiles inside my borders, whereas the AI will waste a large portion of them.
I dunno if the Babs are in the game, but I know the Assyrians are, since they've built their civ-specific wonders. Persia's in as well. As are the Hittites (they built their ironworks wonder) and Egypt.
I can't wait 'till I can do some map trades. My exploration, while not terrible, has yet to uncover a large portion of the map.
Okay. It's not exactly a show-stopper bug anyway.
Carthage & the Kolchis have the best land? It must be awesome, considering how good Gaul & Iberia are looking (and Italia is beautiful too). Personally, I love what I see in central & southern Gaul.
No worries, because I'll utilize the land I have far, far better than the AI will. The AI is still using the super-wide Conquests city spacing, which is bad enough in stock conditions, but is very bad in TAM, with the city size caps lowered to 4 and 8 from 6 and 12. I will utilize most of the tiles inside my borders, whereas the AI will waste a large portion of them.
I dunno if the Babs are in the game, but I know the Assyrians are, since they've built their civ-specific wonders. Persia's in as well. As are the Hittites (they built their ironworks wonder) and Egypt.
I can't wait 'till I can do some map trades. My exploration, while not terrible, has yet to uncover a large portion of the map.
Okay. It's not exactly a show-stopper bug anyway.