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Advancing Units in Battle

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  • Advancing Units in Battle

    I tried to make a fifth expirience level for Units in battle.

    1. i added one with gramphos tool
    Then I faced that the text when playing was wrong (said regular instead of green...)
    2. I changed the text in the script file to "now your unit is green" when it advances. And changed the other entries and added one textline more (see below)

    But the effect is that the units made most of the time the step regular and the step veteran one after the other in the next 2 battles.... but with right text...

    Our conscript $UNIT0 becomes a Green.

    Our Regular $UNIT0 is now a Regular.

    Our Veteran $UNIT0 is now Verteran.

    #UNITPROMOTION.... ???
    Our Veteran $UNIT0 is now Elite!

    I changed the words in the second line and added the last Unitpromot... but what to write there?

    And when I changed the ending in the Unitpromotion text it didn't work... eg.: unitpromotionelite to unitpromotionvet (because now it should be vet)

    So the advantage musst be set somewhere for that 3 steps....

    Maybe gramhos knows something about that, because his programm is able to add that new level...

    thanks for helping
