Well, this is not exactly the place, I suppose, for this thread, but since I like the people who post here and respect their opinions, I'll try it here til I get Minged. Actually I argue that it belongs here just fine, since i really want input into what I have done, form the strategic/tactical and design genius titans that grace this forum.
A couple of caveats:
1. This mod is so great. I love my mod. Lots. I will be terribly offended by criticism
. So please criticize as needed. But then, if you like some stuff and not other stuff, it ain't exactly copyrighted, so have at it w/ your own changes.
2. I'm a lazy bastard who has to work hard, so many of the changes (and there are soooo many) will be posted piecemeal. If curious about anything, post your ? here, or check out the editor (explore-c-program files-infogrames-civIII-scenarios).
3. As you might see, there is no file posted yet, since I am at work and don't have it. Will do this afternoon.
Thats three caveats, isn't it?
General Philosophy
In general, I have tried to make a faster paced game where mobility is increased. I have, in general upgunned almost everything, units improvements, wonders, w/o upping cost too much if at all. No wonder goes obsolete, and most have added dimensions or are noticably different.
General Changes
1. road movement is 9. Roads take 1 turn to build, clear terrain, non industrious worker.
2. resources/luxuries are different, as far as location is concerned. Won't go into detail, but think you will like changes. Try it cold at first & see what happens. Will go int more details later.
Government Changes
Probably the shakiest part of the mod, I think I may have too many but also think they are balanced fairly well. Won't go into too many details, but here follows very general info:
1. Despotism - as is in unmodded game, but max tech/happy of 60%.
2. Monarchy - slightly better military than orig., 70% max rate.
3. Theocracy - avail. w/ monotheism, supports lots of units, commerce bonus, low mil police, good spys, bad diplomats, rate cap 50%, buy units. Good war gov w/ some twists
4. Republic - low war weariness, freely supports small number of units, mp limit of 1, rate cap 80%, worker effic 150%, commerce. Good one.
5. Constitutional Monarchy- Low war wearines, commerce bonus, no worker bonus, supports more troops than republic, mp 2. Kind of close to republic, a little better for war, rate cap, 8. Available w/ education.
6. Democracy - basically as is but supports a very few units, high war weariness, no rate cap. worker rate X2, no mp
7. Socialism - rate cap of 9, low war weariness, workers 1.5, decent unit support, mp limit.
comes w/ industrialization
Lots of explaining to do here, but will give very general explanation now.
1. All early improvements also reduce corruption. Courthouses are favored to expansionists, also act as police station.
2. Some culture given to many improvements that did not have them. Negative culture (though minor) for polluting improvements.
3. No wonders go obsolete. Added some improvement aspects to most. Major changes are as follows
a. Great Library- gives two advances, + science in that city (150% I think, as Newton's U, + library)
b. Colossus, Great lighthouse, Magellon's voyage - give ocean shields (they stack) as well as a few other goodies.
c. Most happiness wonders also give some kind of commerce bonus, for city, some as wonder, most as marketplace or bank.
d. Some science wonders also give commerce bonuses.
e. Leo's workshop acts as a factory for city.
f. Seti gives old great library "download" ability + extra science
g. Iron works requires only iron and coal, not nec. in same city radius, and industrialization.
h. Great wall also gives free walls in every city on continent.
i. I know I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember what it is.
Again big changes here.
1. Universal Changes Chart
Almost all units have been altered at least somewhat. In general, units fall into "tech tiers", which gain hp's based on tech level of units. This is an attempt to lessen the fabled "spearmen vs. tank incident". Also, certain units have intrinsic bombard abilities, and other aspects as outlined below.
Tier Unit ___________________________
1 warrior galley bombard 1/1/1
2. archer- +1 hp
bombard, 1 caravel +1 hp, bombard 2/1/1
spearman +1 hp
chariot +1 hp
horseman +1hp zoc
3. longbowman +2 hp galleon +2 hp, bombard, uh...3/1/2...?
bombard 1 frigate +2 hp, bombard, uh...4/1/2....
pikemen +2 hp
swordsman +2 hp
knight +2 hp
4. muskateer +3 hp ironclad +3 hp, bombard...get back w/ you
1/1/1 bombard privateer +3 hp bombard, " "
riflemen +3 hp sub +3 hp
2 bombard destroyer +3 hp """""""
cavalry +3 hp trans +3 hp
5. infantry +4 hp battle ship +4 hp, other stuff, get back t/ya
2 bombard carrier +4 hp
mech infantry +4 hp nuke sub +4 hp
3 bombard aegis cruiser +4 hp
tank +4 hp
1 bombard
modern armor +4 hp
2 bombard
OK...Air units have no extra hp's, neither do bombard only units. Bombard factors for bombard units have been upped some, as have ship's and air units. Ship's moves have been upped considerably.
2. Non UU changes (att/def/move) note - doing this purely from memory, will update later. Or just play it & check it out, or check out the mod in the editor. Told you I'm a lazy bastard.
a. chariot - 2/2/2
b. horseman - 2/1/3
c. galley - 2/1/6
d. caravel - 3/3/?
e. galleon - 3/4/?, 5 carry capacity
f. frigate - oh lord, what was it? better than orig. game
g. ironclad - see above, frigate
h. destroyer - """"""""
i. all other ships - """""""
j. tanks, mod armor, mech inf, radar art. - +1 move
k. marines, paratroops, +1 extra hp on top of tier based hp bonus
l. all air units at least slightly better than orig., esp bombard. Also lethal bombard vs. ships. (cruise missiles, too)
3. Non UU upgrade paths.
warrior - swordsman -rifleman-infantry-mech infantry
spear-up to mech infantry as usual
chariot/horseman-knight-cavalry-dead end
catapult - cannon - art. - radar art
tank - mod armor
galley - caravel - frigate
destroyer - aegis cruiser
sub - nuke sub
fighter - jet fighter
4. UU's
Basically I've made UU's tougher and allowed them to last longer. This causes some rough times for early UU challenged powers, and for this, I have tweaked their civ profiles & build priorities a bit, as well as made their UU's esp. powerful, esp. if they are at the dead end of an upgrade path. Unless specified, all the info provided w/ tech tier chart for basic unit applies to these guys.
a. Jaguar Warrior 2/1/2 upgrade to rifleman
b. War Chariot 3/2/2 upgrade to cavalry, bombard 1
c. Bowman 3/2/1 upgrade to rifle,
d. Hoplite 2/3/1 " " "
e. Impi 2/2/2 " " "
f. Mounted war. 3/2/3
g. Legionary 3/3/2 upgrade to infantry
h. Immortal 4/3/1 " " "
i. Rider 4/4/3, blitz, +1 hp
j. War eleph. 5/5/2, 1 bombard, +1 hp
k. Samurai 5/4/2 upgrade to infantry
l. Muskateer 5/4/1, upgrade to infantry
m. Cossak 7/5/3, blitz, +1 hp
n. Man o' War Why can't i remember the freakin naval units stats?! Will post later, but kicks ass.
o. Panzer 18/10/4, +1 hp
p. F-15 see man o' war above, but substitute the words "air units" for "naval units", or simply the word "air" for "naval", if you prefer.
OK, can't go any further. Laziness kicking in. Will post actual file later today.
Also will post write file i did it in, in case this is hard to decipher

A couple of caveats:
1. This mod is so great. I love my mod. Lots. I will be terribly offended by criticism

2. I'm a lazy bastard who has to work hard, so many of the changes (and there are soooo many) will be posted piecemeal. If curious about anything, post your ? here, or check out the editor (explore-c-program files-infogrames-civIII-scenarios).
3. As you might see, there is no file posted yet, since I am at work and don't have it. Will do this afternoon.
Thats three caveats, isn't it?
General Philosophy
In general, I have tried to make a faster paced game where mobility is increased. I have, in general upgunned almost everything, units improvements, wonders, w/o upping cost too much if at all. No wonder goes obsolete, and most have added dimensions or are noticably different.
General Changes
1. road movement is 9. Roads take 1 turn to build, clear terrain, non industrious worker.
2. resources/luxuries are different, as far as location is concerned. Won't go into detail, but think you will like changes. Try it cold at first & see what happens. Will go int more details later.
Government Changes
Probably the shakiest part of the mod, I think I may have too many but also think they are balanced fairly well. Won't go into too many details, but here follows very general info:
1. Despotism - as is in unmodded game, but max tech/happy of 60%.
2. Monarchy - slightly better military than orig., 70% max rate.
3. Theocracy - avail. w/ monotheism, supports lots of units, commerce bonus, low mil police, good spys, bad diplomats, rate cap 50%, buy units. Good war gov w/ some twists
4. Republic - low war weariness, freely supports small number of units, mp limit of 1, rate cap 80%, worker effic 150%, commerce. Good one.
5. Constitutional Monarchy- Low war wearines, commerce bonus, no worker bonus, supports more troops than republic, mp 2. Kind of close to republic, a little better for war, rate cap, 8. Available w/ education.
6. Democracy - basically as is but supports a very few units, high war weariness, no rate cap. worker rate X2, no mp
7. Socialism - rate cap of 9, low war weariness, workers 1.5, decent unit support, mp limit.
comes w/ industrialization
Lots of explaining to do here, but will give very general explanation now.
1. All early improvements also reduce corruption. Courthouses are favored to expansionists, also act as police station.
2. Some culture given to many improvements that did not have them. Negative culture (though minor) for polluting improvements.
3. No wonders go obsolete. Added some improvement aspects to most. Major changes are as follows
a. Great Library- gives two advances, + science in that city (150% I think, as Newton's U, + library)
b. Colossus, Great lighthouse, Magellon's voyage - give ocean shields (they stack) as well as a few other goodies.
c. Most happiness wonders also give some kind of commerce bonus, for city, some as wonder, most as marketplace or bank.
d. Some science wonders also give commerce bonuses.
e. Leo's workshop acts as a factory for city.
f. Seti gives old great library "download" ability + extra science
g. Iron works requires only iron and coal, not nec. in same city radius, and industrialization.
h. Great wall also gives free walls in every city on continent.
i. I know I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember what it is.
Again big changes here.
1. Universal Changes Chart
Almost all units have been altered at least somewhat. In general, units fall into "tech tiers", which gain hp's based on tech level of units. This is an attempt to lessen the fabled "spearmen vs. tank incident". Also, certain units have intrinsic bombard abilities, and other aspects as outlined below.
Tier Unit ___________________________
1 warrior galley bombard 1/1/1
2. archer- +1 hp
bombard, 1 caravel +1 hp, bombard 2/1/1
spearman +1 hp
chariot +1 hp
horseman +1hp zoc
3. longbowman +2 hp galleon +2 hp, bombard, uh...3/1/2...?
bombard 1 frigate +2 hp, bombard, uh...4/1/2....
pikemen +2 hp
swordsman +2 hp
knight +2 hp
4. muskateer +3 hp ironclad +3 hp, bombard...get back w/ you
1/1/1 bombard privateer +3 hp bombard, " "
riflemen +3 hp sub +3 hp
2 bombard destroyer +3 hp """""""
cavalry +3 hp trans +3 hp
5. infantry +4 hp battle ship +4 hp, other stuff, get back t/ya
2 bombard carrier +4 hp
mech infantry +4 hp nuke sub +4 hp
3 bombard aegis cruiser +4 hp
tank +4 hp
1 bombard
modern armor +4 hp
2 bombard
OK...Air units have no extra hp's, neither do bombard only units. Bombard factors for bombard units have been upped some, as have ship's and air units. Ship's moves have been upped considerably.
2. Non UU changes (att/def/move) note - doing this purely from memory, will update later. Or just play it & check it out, or check out the mod in the editor. Told you I'm a lazy bastard.
a. chariot - 2/2/2
b. horseman - 2/1/3
c. galley - 2/1/6
d. caravel - 3/3/?
e. galleon - 3/4/?, 5 carry capacity
f. frigate - oh lord, what was it? better than orig. game
g. ironclad - see above, frigate
h. destroyer - """"""""
i. all other ships - """""""
j. tanks, mod armor, mech inf, radar art. - +1 move
k. marines, paratroops, +1 extra hp on top of tier based hp bonus
l. all air units at least slightly better than orig., esp bombard. Also lethal bombard vs. ships. (cruise missiles, too)
3. Non UU upgrade paths.
warrior - swordsman -rifleman-infantry-mech infantry
spear-up to mech infantry as usual
chariot/horseman-knight-cavalry-dead end
catapult - cannon - art. - radar art
tank - mod armor
galley - caravel - frigate
destroyer - aegis cruiser
sub - nuke sub
fighter - jet fighter
4. UU's
Basically I've made UU's tougher and allowed them to last longer. This causes some rough times for early UU challenged powers, and for this, I have tweaked their civ profiles & build priorities a bit, as well as made their UU's esp. powerful, esp. if they are at the dead end of an upgrade path. Unless specified, all the info provided w/ tech tier chart for basic unit applies to these guys.
a. Jaguar Warrior 2/1/2 upgrade to rifleman
b. War Chariot 3/2/2 upgrade to cavalry, bombard 1
c. Bowman 3/2/1 upgrade to rifle,
d. Hoplite 2/3/1 " " "
e. Impi 2/2/2 " " "
f. Mounted war. 3/2/3
g. Legionary 3/3/2 upgrade to infantry
h. Immortal 4/3/1 " " "
i. Rider 4/4/3, blitz, +1 hp
j. War eleph. 5/5/2, 1 bombard, +1 hp
k. Samurai 5/4/2 upgrade to infantry
l. Muskateer 5/4/1, upgrade to infantry
m. Cossak 7/5/3, blitz, +1 hp
n. Man o' War Why can't i remember the freakin naval units stats?! Will post later, but kicks ass.
o. Panzer 18/10/4, +1 hp
p. F-15 see man o' war above, but substitute the words "air units" for "naval units", or simply the word "air" for "naval", if you prefer.
OK, can't go any further. Laziness kicking in. Will post actual file later today.
Also will post write file i did it in, in case this is hard to decipher