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Global Warming: How it begins, how can be stopped?

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  • Global Warming: How it begins, how can be stopped?

    I would like to know about the global warming system. In civilization 2 the calculus was based on the amount of polluted squares around the world... It´s still this way?
    I had a little nuclear armaggedon, giving 25 ICBMs and receiving 11. Of course the planet get a little upset, but I wonder if I clean all the mess my farms will stop becoming deserts...

  • #2
    Supposed the polluted squares don't contribute to warming. The pollution rate does. Each one of those yellow pollution triangles in every city adds to the amount of warming. Yours and the AI civs both. You can only directly effect your own but you can trade anti-pollution tech to the AI and they seem to use it. I think that sometimes they won't build many if any factories till they have anti-pollution tech.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ethelred
      Supposed the polluted squares don't contribute to warming. The pollution rate does. Each one of those yellow pollution triangles in every city adds to the amount of warming. Yours and the AI civs both. You can only directly effect your own but you can trade anti-pollution tech to the AI and they seem to use it. I think that sometimes they won't build many if any factories till they have anti-pollution tech.
      I do not know how the AI civs use those eco-tech since they do not build factories (see another thread), but they are totally addicted to them. In my current game I sold Ecology to Persia against Aluminium, Wines, Computers, (almost) 20 gold per turn, and World Map.

      What concerns the global warming, I noticed it happen even when I did not have any polluted square within my empire.
      "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nym

        I do not know how the AI civs use those eco-tech since they do not build factories (see another thread),
        I saw the thread. The people making the claim were wrong and I wasn't the only one saying they were wrong. I have captured factories and have seen them when I investigated cities. They don't build as many largely because they don't build as many improvements in the first place.

        but they are totally addicted to them. In my current game I sold Ecology to Persia against Aluminium, Wines, Computers, (almost) 20 gold per turn, and World Map.

        What concerns the global warming, I noticed it happen even when I did not have any polluted square within my empire.
        As I said, polluted squares have nothing to do with global warming. In any case global warming is global. All civs contribute to it.


        • #5
          Yes, global warming is caused by a city's production, not how many polluted tiles there are
          Up the Irons!
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          Odysseus and the March of Time
          I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


          • #6
            i, too noticed that they were willing to pay me insane amounts of money, resources, etc. for recycling and ecology. 59 gold per turn plus 2 luxuries, all maps (useless at that point), all the gold they had in their treasury and a military alliance against the zulu and english! just for ONE tech! geez! so i always beeline for those techs in the modern area and trade them to the AI. suckas! aside from the benefits of trading, i figure it will help reduce global warming and pollution if everyone knows how to fight it. seems to work ok.

            back to the original question, i really don't know. the manual tells you NOTHING about pollution, and i consider it an important aspect of the game. i'm sure SOMEone know, though.

            it would be cool if the game had a planetary overview with radiation marked in different colors to show the amount of pollution generated by all the civs.
            drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang


            • #7
              Thks for the help...

              So I would assume that global warming would be the sum of pollution generated each turn plus the mess you´ve done with nuclear weapons. If it´s not the polluted square then I would assume the last one is permanent, or have a very slow decay...


              • #8
                it would seem a natural counter to global warming, but I dont know if the game takes it into account. when I place my cities I try to get a min of overlapping or squares. most times that leaves non benifical squares between. I try to build forests there if possible with roads to make polution easier to get too. I wonder if this really helps though. If it does I wonder wether it would be better to have grassland/plains or forests in those squares.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ethelred
                  I saw the thread. The people making the claim were wrong and I wasn't the only one saying they were wrong. I have captured factories and have seen them when I investigated cities. They don't build as many largely because they don't build as many improvements in the first place.
                  I stand corrected !
                  "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)

