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Building UN !NOT! Available with v121 ???

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  • Building UN !NOT! Available with v121 ???

    Is it just me ??? I have NO option to build UN after fission in any city production menu. I havent seen any other post about this at all . After fission , you are supposed to be able to build Manhatt. project AND UN . In this game ONLY the project appeared. Is this a major bug that just no one has noticed >? Or , is this somehow just some weirdness isolated to this one game im playing ? What if the AI can build it ? Game over most likely the minute one of them does ! Anyone ???

  • #2
    Do you have dpilomatic victory turned off? If you do then you can't build the UN.
    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #3
      Ill check.....thnks so much ! I usually leave it on , so it did not occur to me right off the bat. How nice to get such a quick response ! I might have this time because i usually turn off the space race , and leave the rest on... but this game i turned on the space race and might have switched the Dip off. I guess i had so much going on this game since i changed some of the rules in the edit and made a map...blah blah blah , right ? Thnx again. -- Don


      • #4
        Re: Building UN !NOT! Available with v121 ???

        Originally posted by Oldpreach
        What if the AI can build it ? Game over most likely the minute one of them does !
        To be true I haven't seen a single game of mine where someone (me or AI) built the UN. Not sure about the probability of a "game over" the same moment an AI will end to build UN: IIRC is more a way to have a vote (one every 20 years IIRC) and if you are in good position probably the AI won't vote against you.

        (But I haven't see a single Diplomatic victory in Civ III while I remember a lot of diplomatic victory in Alpha Centauri)
        "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
        - Admiral Naismith


        • #5
          Re: Re: Building UN !NOT! Available with v121 ???

          Originally posted by Adm.Naismith

          To be true I haven't seen a single game of mine where someone (me or AI) built the UN. Not sure about the probability of a "game over" the same moment an AI will end to build UN: IIRC is more a way to have a vote (one every 20 years IIRC) and if you are in good position probably the AI won't vote against you.

          (But I haven't see a single Diplomatic victory in Civ III while I remember a lot of diplomatic victory in Alpha Centauri)
          The very first gameI won in Civ 3, I won diplomatically.
          Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


          • #6
            Again , thnkx all ! Just for fun , i called an election one game , and lost 3 to 2 . I didnt do much impressing that game anyway , so no surprise there. I guess i always build it first ... i didnt know that the AI could not call a vote , thats why i made the lame comment im sure. Over all , i dont know as much about Civ 3 yet as i did the other 2 . I just dont have the time . I did read the strat guide... but this one doesnt seem as in depth as the Civ 2 guide did. -- Don


            • #7
              If you want to change the victory conditions you can do that with Gramphos' save game editor. I did that once when I was playing a GOM from the Yahoo Civ III group. The stinker that made the game didn't mention that he had blocked ALL victory conditions. The game would be won on score only. Since he cheated us I changed the game as I had based my strategy on a Space Race victory.

              Civ3MultiTool (C3MT), 0.92 by Gramphos


              • #8
                I usually enable diplomatic victory and try to build UN in order to control the vote, but I most often try to win by space race. I just want to have UN to keep another chance if I realize I won't manage the space race.

                Just a precision : UN vote do not take place every 20 turns. The main condition is to have two candidates : the one who builds the UN and another one which fulfills some conditions (I do not remember exactly; I think it's explained in the Civilopedia). Then the vote can take place every turn.
                "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)

