[b]Tutorial: How To Add Extra Civs in v1.21[/b] --------------------------------------------- Important General Rules 1. Note, that limit for extra civs equal 15 (total civs number = 31). Number of them is hard coded in palettes. 2. Download jimmih's hacked Civ3Edit.Exe or Gramphos's MultiTool. 3. Do backup files for altering. [b]Changes in YourMod.bic [/b] 1. Open your bic file with hacked civ3edit, click the 'Edit' button and Tab for 'Civilizations' 2. Click Add button and enter race name. 3. In 'Civilopedia Entry' enter race's verbal ID (for example RACE_MONGOLS - need change Civilopedia.txt). 4. Look 'Animations' section on this page and enter Forward & Reverse Filenames for each era with The Ruler animations found in Art\Flics. 5. Fill ruler, cities, leaders, race etc names. 6. Tab to 'Units' page and do link common and specific units with the proper civs. [b]Changes in diplomacy.txt [/b] For each of the #AI_Section with #civ=1 parameter add by followed formula (thanks for Dan Magaha) (3 if #power == true ) (3 if #mood == true ) number of lines = (N * #civ) * ( or ) * ( or ) * #random (1 if #pover == false) (1 if #mood == false) Notes: NN -- Total number of civs N = (NN - 16) -- Number extra civs In followed table: ... #AIFIRSTCONTACT 16 + 1 * N (add 1*N lines) ... #AIDEMANDTRIBUTE 48 + 3 * N ... #AIFIRSTCONTACT -- means the label of entry for #AIFIRST... 16 -- number of lines in standard diplomacy.txt file 1*N --- number of extra lines for new civs per number of extra civs, for example for 2 extracivs 1*2 = 2 new lines for #AIDEMAND... 48 -- number of lines in standard diplomacy.txt file 3*N --- number of extra lines for new civs per number of extra civs, for example for 2 extracivs 3*2 = 6 new lines sorted per civs, per 3 power, per 3 moods by #random _ _ | random 1 | mood + | random 2 | |_ random 3 | _ _ | | random 1' C | power >| mood ~ | random 2' i | | |_ random 3' v | | _ i | | | random 1" l | |_ mood - | random 2" i | |_ random 3" z | _ a | _ | random 1 t | | mood + | random 2 i | | |_ random 3 o | | _ n | | | random 1' | power =| mood ~ | random 2' 1 | | |_ random 3' | | _ | | | random 1" | |_mood - | random 2" | |_ random 3" | | | | | power < ... | |_ _ C | i | v | | 2 | . | . | . |_ ... #AIRENEGOTIATE 18 + 0 (no add lines) ... For this kind of entry: 18 -- are standard lines 0 -- no add lines This is example for the entry #AIFIRSTCONTACT #civ 1 ; ---- need adding #power 0 #mood 0 #random 1 "I, $AI0, Ruler of $CIVNAME1, wonder of the world, greet you." ; --- for first standard civ "Greetings. I, $AI0, greet you." ... ... "I am Great $AI0. The $CIVADJ2 people are honorable. Deal with us fairly and we shall have peace." "I am $AI0, of the $CIVADJ3." ; for last 16th civ ; - - this add new lines for extra 2 civs "I, $AI0, Ruler of $CIVNAME1, wonder of the world, greet you." ; --- for 17th extra civ "Greetings. I, $AI0, greet you." ; - - for 18th extra civ ... Now begin changes ---------------------- begin --------------------------- #AIFIRSTCONTACT 16 + 1 * N (add 1*N lines) #AIFIRSTDEAL 16 + 1 * N #AIDEMANDTRIBUTE 48 + 3 * N #AIACCEPTTRIBUTE 48 + 3 * N #AIBLUFFISCALLED 48 + 3 * N #AIRENEGOTIATE 18 + 0 (no add lines) #AIRENEGOTIATEPEACE 48 + 3 * N #AIBORDERWARNING 48 + 3 * N #AIBORDERWAR 3 + 0 #AIDONTTEST 48 + 3 * N #AIOVERLOOK 3 + 0 #AIWILLACCEPT 3 + 0 #AICOUNTERWAR 36 + 0 #AICOUNTERPEACE 36 + 0 #AINOCOUNTERWAR 36 + 0 #AINOCOUNTERPEACE 36 + 0 #AITECHTRADE 18 + 0 #AILUXURYTRADE 18 + 0 #AILOANOFFER 48 + 3 * N #AINOLOANOFFER 48 + 3 * N #AIMAPTRADE 18 + 0 #AINOMAPTRADE 18 + 0 #AICOMMUNICATIONS 18 + 0 #AIGIVEPEACETREATY 48 + 3 * N #AIPEACETREATYTHREAT 48 + 3 * N #AINOPEACETREATYTHREAT 48 + 3 * N #AIPEACETREATY 48 + 3 * N #AINOPEACETREATY 96 + 6 * N #AIMUTUALPROTECTION 48 + 3 * N #AIRIGHTOFPASSAGE 48 + 3 * N #AINORIGHTOFPASSAGE 3 + 0 #AIMILITARYALLIANCE 48 + 3 * N #AITRADEEMBARGO 48 + 3 * N #AIALLIANCEGREETINGS 48 + 3 * N #AIPEACEGREETINGS 48 + 3 * N #AIWARGREETINGS 144 + 9 * N #AIGIVETRIBUTE 48 + 3 * N #AIRECEIVEGIFT 18 + 0 #AIACCEPTWAR 36 + 0 #AIACCEPTPEACE 36 + 0 #AIWEAKREJECT 96 + 6 * N #AINEUTRALREJECT 96 + 6 * N #AISTRONGREJECT 96 + 6 * N #AITOTALREJECT 96 + 6 * N #AIREJECTTHREAT 48 + 3 * N #AIREJECTBROKENDEAL 18 + 0 #AIREJECTINFORMEDOFBROKENDEAL 18 + 0 #AIREJECTPASSAGEVIOLATION 18 + 0 #AIREJECTINFORMEDOFPASSAGEVIOLATION 18 + 0 #AIREJECTMILITARYRETRACT 18 + 0 #AIREJECTINFORMEDOFMILITARYRETRACT 18 + 0 #AITHANKS 48 + 3 * N #AIWHATEVER 54 + 0 #AIPROPOSALRESPONSE 36 + 0 #AICOUNTERRESPONSE 36 + 0 #AIREJECTRESPONSE 36 + 0 #AIUNDERSTANDRESPONSE 36 + 0 #AIWILLRETREAT 48 + 3 * N #AIWILLRETURNHOME 48 + 3 * N ----------------------------- end -------------------------------- [b]Changes in Civlopedia.txt[/b] Add race specific entries and text For example: #RACE_MONGOLS ^The Mongols are $LINK. They stArt the game with $LINK and $LINK and build $LINK instead of normal $LINK . ^ blah-blah-blah... (first page) #DESC_RACE_MONGOLS ^ blah-blah-blah... (second page) For UU: #PRTO_Mounted_Archer ^ ^ ^[Mounted Archers] are highly skilled archers armed with composite bows... blah-blah-blah... #DESC_PRTO_Archer ^ ^ ^blah-blah-blah... [b]Changes in PediaIcons.txt[/b] For each of the #RACE_Section Notes: .pcx files must be only 256 colors palette KH_ in example unique lead ID for Chingiz Khan #START #RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\CL.pcx Art\advisors\KH_all.pcx # Happy Icons #HAPPY_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_HAP.pcx # Small Happy Icons #SHAPP_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_SHAP.pcx # Large Kiss Icons #LKISS_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_KIS.pcx # Small Kiss Icons #SKISS_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_SKIS.pcx # Small Angry Icons #ANGRY_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_ANG.pcx # Small loving Icons #ILOVE_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_CULT.pcx # Small loved Icons #LOVED_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_CULTB.pcx # Large Beaten-up Icons #LHURT_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_CONQ_L.pcx # Small Beaten-up Icons #HURTN_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Leaderheads\KH_CONQ.pcx #StArt Races #ICON_RACE_MONGOLS Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Races\MONGOLSlarge.pcx Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Races\MONGOLSsmall.pcx