1. In civ II, units cost either food or shields to maintain. In Civ III, I can't find the suppport section.
2. If I build a unit in Rome, and then send him, and others, out to combat, how do I identify which city he orignally came from. The city screen doesn't show which units it has produced, and I don't think the units say where they are from. This is important when I use a city to create musketmen, for example, to send out to other cities as defense. In Civ II, once these units reached the new cities, I would hit 'h' to make this their new home city. Does the civ as a whole support all the units in Civ III, or does each city support their own units, like in Civ II?
3. I'm not clear on what bombardment weapons do. I had a catapult, and i rolled it to a city that was being defended, but when I attacked, it said "only military units may occupy a city." Like I said, it was defended so I don't understand. The only time I saw the catapult in action was when one of my cities was attacked; the catapult attacked once, then the pikeman continued. Are bombard weapons strictly defensive? thats silly if its true.
4. What exaclty does culture do? I know that it expands your borders, but that doesn't do anything for city territory as far as I can see.
5. Do pikemen offer special defense against mounted units? The civilopedia doesn't say so. Because if they don't then is it safe to say that they are the same as Legionaries or knights when it comes to defense?
6. I notice that the AI builds mines on grasslands. Why? Isn't the whole point to grow quickly? grasslands should be irrigated for best results.
That's it for now. I'll add more when I come accross them.
2. If I build a unit in Rome, and then send him, and others, out to combat, how do I identify which city he orignally came from. The city screen doesn't show which units it has produced, and I don't think the units say where they are from. This is important when I use a city to create musketmen, for example, to send out to other cities as defense. In Civ II, once these units reached the new cities, I would hit 'h' to make this their new home city. Does the civ as a whole support all the units in Civ III, or does each city support their own units, like in Civ II?
3. I'm not clear on what bombardment weapons do. I had a catapult, and i rolled it to a city that was being defended, but when I attacked, it said "only military units may occupy a city." Like I said, it was defended so I don't understand. The only time I saw the catapult in action was when one of my cities was attacked; the catapult attacked once, then the pikeman continued. Are bombard weapons strictly defensive? thats silly if its true.
4. What exaclty does culture do? I know that it expands your borders, but that doesn't do anything for city territory as far as I can see.
5. Do pikemen offer special defense against mounted units? The civilopedia doesn't say so. Because if they don't then is it safe to say that they are the same as Legionaries or knights when it comes to defense?
6. I notice that the AI builds mines on grasslands. Why? Isn't the whole point to grow quickly? grasslands should be irrigated for best results.
That's it for now. I'll add more when I come accross them.