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  • Aaaarrrggghhh!!!

    I didn't stop to think that installing the new patch would write over my civilopedia file!

    I've added at least 40 units to my custom.bic and at least 20-30 of them had new pedia entries and at least a dozen of them I wrote.

    All gone...

    Not only that but the new 1.21f editor keeps crashing my puter!

    I just had to vent...I am so pizissed!

  • #2
    Dude, I feel your pain! This happened to me with the newest half-life patch, it overwrote my commandmenu.txt and I had a ton of custom menu items.


    • #3
      Too bad. I'm sorry for you, but you've been warned the patch would overwrite a few files...
      Look on the bright side - I'm sure it won't happen to you next time. Always backup!


      • #4
        Anyone else getting computer crashes using the new editor?

        It usually happens when I go from tab to tab. Sometimes when I click on a "drop down" box. It happens A LOT. Whenever I edit my .bic I get all jumpy and cringe quite a bit.

        I'd say I crash at least one out of five times I change tabs on the editor screen. Sucks. And I'm usually a pretty positive guy!

        R.I.P civilopedia.txt

