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One big resource file requested

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  • One big resource file requested

    Hello all you creators, at first I just want to thank you, for all the graphics and ideas you put on this site. You made Civ3 worth playing!

    Now I've got a little problem, I have no photoshop nor something equal. I'd liked to use more of the Resources, but this just wont work.

    with Microsoft Photo Editor I Cut&Pasted all the ressources.pxc's I've found at the files forum to one big file, which WOULD work, so I COULD select them.

    Only problem: It's not transparent but pink. Okey so I've put it transparent, which doesn't work with a pxc-file. Great. But then I just clicked save without transparent effect and now I've got them on the screen without the pink background.

    The resources have no substance though! So my problem is, that I can't use all 113 resources provided so far, because some of them won't be seen very clear (especially Saltpeter!).

    So my question to anyone who has Paint Shop pro, couldn't you put together all the resources from apolyton into ONE file, which has no problem with transparence?

    I wouldn't ask if I hadn't tried it the whole day long, without success, I suppose without photo shop I can't do anything.

    Would be very very thankful!

  • #2
    no one?

    well don't need it anymore anyway, because this *ç&%*-Program won't accept more than 8 luxury resources - after that it says goodbye...

    so it doesn't make much sense to have more resources because I really don't need 500 bonus resources without any function beneath being there...


    • #3
      Try Monsterman's file on the Files Forum. I am about to myself so I can't recommend it from personal experience (yet); but it is what you are looking for. Even if you are limited to 8 luxury resources, some more bonus resources can certainly add to the value of now useless, or less than useless, terrain types. The intelligent use of a few extra strategic resources can also add to the flavour of the game. Cheers and good luck.


      • #4
        Yeah found it out by now how to copy and paste (wasn't to hard, but It took me one day )

        I've got problem with monstermans resource tab. So I made my own compiling 36 resources from different sources into my own file.

        right now I try to implement them into my mod.

